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The specification contains no formal definition of the Unicode codepoint collation A suitable definition might be: declare function compare-seq($x as xs:integer*, $y as xs:integer*) as xs:integer { if (count($x) eq 0 or count($y) eq 0) then if (count($x) eq 0 and count($y) eq 0) then 0 else if (count($x) eq 0) then -1 else +1 else if ($x[1] eq $y[1]) then compare-seq(remove($x, 1), remove($y, 1)) else if ($x[1] lt $y[1]) then -1 else +1 } and then compare($X as xs:string, $Y as xs:string) under the Unicode codepoint collation is defined to have the result compare-seq(string-to-codepoints($X), string-to-codepoints($Y)). Problem raised by Patrick Durusau (patrick at durusau dot net) on public-qt-comments, 2 Sept 2009.
The following proposal was accepted by the WG on 2009-09-29 ACTION A-411-02: MK will produce a textual proposal for resolving Bugzilla #7630 (definition of the Unicode codepoint collation). For the 1.0/2.0 specification: Add a new paragraph after the current fourth paragraph of F+O section 7.3.1 The Unicode codepoint collation does not perform any normalization on the supplied strings. It is defined as follows. Each of the two strings is converted to a sequence of integers using the fn:string-to-codepoints function. These two sequences $A and $B are then compared as follows: * If both sequences are empty, the strings are equal * If one sequence is empty and the other is not, then the string corresponding to the empty sequence is less than the other string * If the first integer in $A is less than the first integer in $B, then the string corresponding to $A is less than the string corresponding to $B. * If the first integer in $A is greater than the first integer in $B, then the string corresponding to $A is greater than the string corresponding to $B. * Otherwise (the first pair of integers are equal), the result is obtained by applying the same rules recursively to fn:subsequence($A, 2) and fn:subsequence($B, 2) For the 1.1/2.1 specification: Use the same rules, but create a new section containing the definition of the Unicode codepoint collation and refer to this section from the appropriate places; and make "Unicode codepoint collation" a defined term, hyperlinking all references to it.
I note that the agreed change has been made to the 3.0 draft, but the change for the 1.0/2.0 specification does not appear in the published second edition. I have therefore added a reference to this bug to the list of candidate errata (in the xsl-query-specs CVS area), and am herewith closing the bug.