This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
Error XTDE1030 arises when a sort key selects values for which the le operator is not defined - for example QNames or durations. This is classified as a non-recoverable dynamic error, which means it can't be reported statically. Yet it can often be detected as a result of static type analysis. It should really be a type error. (In fixing this we have to consider whether to change the error code to XTTE1030, or to abandon the rule that characters 3 and 4 in the error code always denote the error code. Regrettably, we broke a cardinal rule of code design, namely that identifiers should never encapsulate information about the objects they represent. An alternative fix would be to leave it as a dynamic error, but one that can be reported statically if detected statically. There are precedents for this.)
The WG agreed at its telcon on 12 Nov 2009 to leave this as a dynamic error, but one that can be reported as a static error if it is detected statically. This will be the subject of erratum XT.E39 (drafted).