This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
While the WSDL of an endpoint can be used to advertise some aspects of the features it supports, it can not be used to indicate all of them. For example, there is no way to list all of the supported WS-ResourceTransfer dialects. Proposal: Define WS-Policy expression(s) for all of the variables/features of WS-ResourceTransfer (that can not already be described by its WSDL) so that an endpoint can advertise which features/options a client can use. proposes to re-target to WS-Transfer
re-targetted from RT to Frag
nested assertion under transfer policy: <wsfrp:Fragment [wsp:Optional="xs:boolean"]? ...> <wsfrp:Language ...> xs :anyURI </wsfrp:Language> * ... </wsfrp:Fragment>
resolved as proposed with "std" matter from generic policy solution added by editors