This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
From xsl-list today: Hello XSL list readers, I know it's not the right place to post that... but may be you can either forward or direct me to the right place. I noticed a typo in the XSLT2.0 Norm page at Chapter 11.6 Creating Processing Instructions The code snipet given is incorrect. /(I am aware that code snipets are non normatives, but I find them more useful when they are correct, although in this case the correction is quite obvious !)/ W3C says: <xsl:processing-instruction name="xml-stylesheet" select="('href="book.css"', 'type="text/css")"/> Run that code snipet through Saxon it will complain about a misquoted string. And Saxon is right ! Correct code is: <xsl:processing-instruction name="xml-stylesheet" select="('href="book.css"', 'type="text/css"')"/> (Missing apos before the last parenthesis) Kind regards. Alain BENEDETTI
Erratum E35 has been drafted to correct this mistake. As this is purely editorial, and was not reported to the WG by an official route, I am marking it fixed and closed.