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Bug 5568 - always provide a 'title' child element to the 'svg' element
Summary: always provide a 'title' child element to the 'svg' element
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: SVG
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Accessibility Support (show other bugs)
Version: SVG 1.2 Tiny
Hardware: Macintosh All
: P2 normal
Target Milestone: Test Suite
Assignee: Doug Schepers
QA Contact: SVG Public List
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-03-13 10:34 UTC by j.chetwynd
Modified: 2008-03-13 10:34 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:


Description j.chetwynd 2008-03-13 10:34:44 UTC
SVGt 1.2 section 5.5 The 'desc' and 'title' elements

Please can the following statement:

"Authors should always provide a 'title' child element to the 'svg' element within a stand-alone SVG document."

be moved to the top of section 5.5**?

** the current first line "Each container element or graphics element in an SVG document may supply a 'desc' and may also supply a 'title' description." suggests that one need not read further.

the outcome being that of the ~7000 openclipart examples ~5 have title content.

additional evidence includes the facts that;

inkscape appears to provide no means to enter title content, and the maintainer bryce is not aware of any means.

none of the well known and used croczilla examples has a title, even though such a request has been made,

as you will be aware

"Providing a.. (title) one of the primary ways authors can make their documents accessible to people with disabilities."

this information is vital when trying to find or sort svg files: