This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
All of the following text seems to be covered in later sections, should be deleted. I think there were some errors in it too (that conflict with later sections), where it says acyclic and target required are Required. These attributes MUST be supported in the following specified locations only in an SML model: * These attributes MUST be supported in XML Schema documents. * The sml:acyclic attribute MUST be supported for any <xs:complexType> element. * The sml:target* attributes MUST be supported for any <xs:element> element. SML defines a new property for every Complex Type Definition schema component: {acyclic} An xs:boolean value. Required. And 3 new properties for every Element Declaration and every Particle component: * {target element} An Element Declaration component. Optional. * {target required} An xs:boolean value. Required. * {target type} A Type Definition component. Optional.
editors please confirm redundant, if so delete 2007-10-11 telecon
Reassigning this bug to MSM so the editors will pick it up.
Deleted the first part as suggested. Did not delete the second part (see below) as it is not duplicated and seems to be correct: SML defines a new property for every Complex Type Definition schema component: {acyclic} An xs:boolean value. Required. And 3 new properties for every Element Declaration and every Particle component: * {target element} An Element Declaration component. Optional. * {target required} An xs:boolean value. Required. * {target type} A Type Definition component. Optional.