This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
Change "The result of a transform expression is an XDM instance that may include both nodes that were created by the transform expression and other, previously existing nodes." => "The result of a transform expression is an XDM instance that may include both nodes that were created by the transform expression and copies of previously existing nodes."
Michael, Although this bug report is marked as editorial, I do not believe it is editorial. I believe that it is both substantive and incorrect. The return clause of a transform is not limited to return only copied nodes. The expression in the return clause may include references to original, not-copied nodes, as in this example: let $oldx := /a/b/x return transform copy $newx := $oldx modify (do rename $newx as "newx", do replace value of $newx by 47) return ($oldx, $newx) Since I believe this bug report to be substantive, I am marking it "Invalid" but not closing it. If you agree with my analysis, please close this bug report. Regards, Don Chamberlin (for the Query Working Group)
Thanks Don... If that is the case, having an explicit example would be useful. Best regards Michael
Michael, I have added an example to the description of the transform expression as you requested. Regards, Don Chamberlin