This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
What does "distance from 10 to 1 words" mean? (a) Same as "distance from 1 to 10 words" (b) Nothing will ever match, as nothing is ever more than 10 words distant and less than 1 word distant? (c) Error
Similarly with "occurs 10 to 1 times"
The Task Force discussed this comment and determined that, for compatibility with the behavior of XQuery itself, the result of both examples would be the empty sequence -- that is, no matches would result. Careful reading of the text describing the semantics of and occurs...times revealed that this was already the prescribed behavior, but the Task Force agreed to add additional text to make the behavior clear to a more casual reader. We have therefore marked this bug FIXED. If you agree with the resolution, please mark it CLOSED>
Added note as agreed by task force.