This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
MS-Annotations2006-07-15.annotB025.annotB025 (msMeta/Annotations_w3c.xml) says 'invalid' is expected, and the description suggests this is because it contains multiple annotations, but in fact xs:redefine allows multiple annotations. Should be changed to 'valid'
This issue in the test suite in due to a corresponding issue in the Microsoft Schema processors. The fix will be addressed in a future release. Agreed that the test case should be changed to 'valid'.
Noted that (a) multiple annotations are allowed within redefined, (b) the redefine has a schemaLocation that doesn't resolve, but the spec is clear that this isn't an error if there are no children other than annotation. So the schema is valid.