This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
In the published 1.1 datatypes draft {primitive type definition} ..., otherwise forbidden. {item type definition} ..., otherwise forbidden. {member type definitions} ..., otherwise must be absent. I think they should be consistent and all say "must be absent". This also applies to {referenced key} for identity constraints in part 1.
Approved by the WG; awaiting incorporation into the status quo document.
The change proposed above was approved by the WG in its call of 17 November 2006. It is now reflected in the status quo version of the Datatypes spec. Accordingly, I am setting the disposition of this issue to RESOLVED / FIXED. If the originator of the issue would examine the change and let us know whether it satisfactorily resolves the problem or not, we'd be grateful. To signal that the resolution is acceptable, change the status of the issue to CLOSED. Otherwise, to signal that it's NOT acceptable, change the status to REOPENED (and tell us what's wrong). If we don't hear from you in the next three weeks, we'll assume that silence betokens consent, and close the issue ourselves.