This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
The Datatypes spec states: 'The value space of ENTITY is the set of all strings that match the NCName production in [Namespaces in XML] and have been declared as an unparsed entity in a document type definition.' The commentator asserts that ENTITY is not a primitive datatype and that a processor need not enforce 'have been declared as an unparsed .. '. A request is made to clarify this. A similiar issue is raised for ENTITIES. See:
Discussed at the Oct. 25 concall: The WG resolved to classify this as an error, and instruct the editors to prepare an erratum. Status 2002/02: Draft erratum proposed by Paul Biron: Further discussion of the erratum at the f2f: Further discussion at the March 28 telecon. Datatypes erratum approved. HST to prepare corresponding errata text for the Structures document, formulating the constraints which are no longer part of simple type validity. Proposed Structures errata was reviewed and approved with ammendments at the Nov. 1 telecon. Erratum E1-18 added