This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
The following tests are incorrectly marked as is-XPath2="true". examples-364-5 examples-364-5a ForScoreExpr-Var3 FTOr-expr1 FTOr-expr2 FTAnd-expr1 FTAnd-expr2 FTMildNot-expr1 Extension1 Extension FTWindow-sentences3 FTDistance-badexprwords1 FTDistance-badexprwords2 FTScope-q1 FTScope-q2 FTScope-q3 FTScope-q4 FTMildNot-unconstrained-expr1 FTWindow-unconstrained-sentences3 unconstrained-examples-364-5 unconstrained-examples-364-5a FTScope-unconstrained-q1 FTScope-unconstrained-q2 FTScope-unconstrained-q3 FTScope-unconstrained-q4 ForScoreExpr-unconstrained-Var3
I have checked through all the tests that Tim listed and agree that they are all not valid XPath 2.0 A number of tests however are valid XPath 3.0, but since full text is not defined on XPath 3.0 this should not be of significance: FTOr-expr1 FTOr-expr2 FTAnd-expr1 FTAnd-expr2 FTMildNot-expr1 (and similarly FTMildNot-unconstrained-expr1) FTWindow-sentences3 (and similarly FTWindow-sentences3) FTDistance-badexprwords1 FTDistance-badexprwords2
Sorry - these ones also need fixing. ftmatchoptions-q5 ftmatchoptions-q6 FTWindow-paragraphs3 FTWindow-unconstrained-paragraphs3 Catalog001 Catalog002 Catalog003
I agree with the extra tests you have listed, and have made the change.
The change that should have been applied to test-case FTWindow-unconstrained-paragraphs3 was instead made to FTWindow-unconstrained-sentences1
Well spotted! Fixed.
Fix confirmed, re-closing.