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TPAC 2014
Thursday 30th to Friday 31st October.
Please note that European daylight saving time ends on Sunday 26th but continues in the USA. Therefore the time difference between Europe and California is reduced by one hour. For the avoidance of doubt, see the start time for our meeting on Thursday 30th in your time zone.
Thu AM: review requirements and look for new issues
Thu PM: resolve issues in groups (per deliverable)
9:30 - 9:35 What questions can we ask to judge if something is in scope?
9:35-10:00 review new use cases and pick up issues for the tracker (to discuss later)
10:00 - 10:30: Best Practices Table of Contents and structure
10:30 - 12:00: All together on the Best Practices
12:00 - 1:00: Lunch
1:00 - 5:00: Working on drafts
5:00 - 5:30: Summary and next steps
Scribe Rota
- Start - 10:00 JeniT
- 10 - 11 Frederick
- 11 - 12 Eric K
- 1 - 2 Newton
- 2 - 3 Bernadette
- 3 - 4 Yaso
- 4 - 5 PhilA
- 5 - 5:30 ?
Deliverable Goals
Use Case & Requirements (UCR): Deirdre, Bernadette, Phil
- Scope/discuss the recently added NASA/JPL ASO Use Case in an attempt to determine better language and relevance for the WG. (lewismc)
Best Practice (BP): Bernadette, Caroline, Newton, Yaso
The BP team plans to have a table of contents. https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Proposed_structure#Table_of_Contents_DWBP
- Set contributors of each theme of Table of Contents
- Define deadlines for themes' contents
- Description of each theme on the TOC
- Draft of the content structure of the Best Practices Themes
Data Quality Vocabulary (DQV): Bart, Antoine
Data Usage Vocabulary (DUV): Bernadette, Eric S.
The DUV team plans to have a table of contents and some draft content completed.
Remote Participants
- Caroline Burle
- Mark Harrison
- Ghislain Atemezing
- Antoine Isaac (super-unsure)
- Jeremy Debattista (maybe not attending all sessions)
- João Paulo A. Almeida
- Christophe Guéret (should be in not all but most of the time)
- Deirdre Lee
- Sumit Purohit
- Lewis John McGibbney (lewismc)
- Makx Dekkers (travelling both days but will try to join after 2200UTC on Friday)
- Carlos Iglesias (irregular attendance likely to be concentrated in the morning sessions)
- Riccardo Albertoni ( irregular attendance, trying to partecipate in the first session on Thursday and Friday)
- Nathalia Sautchuk (only Friday)