IRC log of html-wg on 2011-10-20

Timestamps are in UTC.

15:59:51 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #html-wg
15:59:51 [RRSAgent]
logging to
15:59:52 [dsinger_]
Trackbot, start meeting
15:59:53 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
15:59:53 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #html-wg
15:59:55 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be html_wg
15:59:55 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot, I see HTML_WG()12:00PM already started
15:59:56 [trackbot]
Meeting: HTML Weekly Teleconference
15:59:56 [trackbot]
Date: 20 October 2011
15:59:56 [trackbot]
Sorry, dsinger_, I don't understand 'Trackbot, start meeting'. Please refer to for help
15:59:57 [pimpbot]
Title: IRC Trackbot (at
16:00:08 [Zakim]
16:00:08 [hober]
Zakim, Apple has hober
16:00:09 [Zakim]
+hober; got it
16:00:36 [Zakim]
16:00:41 [eliot]
eliot has joined #html-wg
16:00:43 [Bruce]
Bruce has joined #html-wg
16:00:53 [MikeSmith]
Zakim, call Mike
16:00:53 [Zakim]
ok, MikeSmith; the call is being made
16:00:54 [Zakim]
16:01:09 [Zakim]
+ +49.251.280.aabb
16:01:14 [hober]
ScribeNick: hober
16:01:21 [Julian]
Zakim, +49.251.280.aabb is me
16:01:21 [Zakim]
+Julian; got it
16:01:23 [Zakim]
16:01:26 [Julian]
Zakim, mute me
16:01:26 [Zakim]
Julian should now be muted
16:01:28 [eliot]
zakim, microsoft is me
16:01:28 [Zakim]
+eliot; got it
16:01:28 [janina]
zakim, who's here?
16:01:29 [Zakim]
On the phone I see dsinger (muted), ??P17, +1.619.524.aaaa, [Apple], Radhika_Roy, Mike, Julian (muted), eliot
16:01:30 [Lachy]
Lachy has joined #html-wg
16:01:32 [Zakim]
[Apple] has hober
16:01:33 [Zakim]
On IRC I see Bruce, eliot, Zakim, RRSAgent, MFoladare, rubys, paulc, J_Voracek, Julian, janina, dsinger_, karl, anne, shepazu, MikeSmith, miketaylr, davidb, plh, nonge__, arronei_,
16:01:38 [Zakim]
... Dashiva, krijnh, heycam, hober, pingo, lgombos, Jedi, gsnedders, johndrinkwater, gavin, webben, inimino, CIA-1, ed, jgraham, [tm], pimpbot, Philip, hiro, jmb, Hixie, trackbot
16:01:40 [Zakim]
16:01:51 [janina]
zakim, ??P17 is Janina
16:01:51 [Zakim]
+Janina; got it
16:01:52 [rubys]
16:01:53 [pimpbot]
Title: {agenda} HTML WG telecon 2010-10-20: issue updates from Sam Ruby on 2011-10-19 ( from October to December 2011) (at
16:02:35 [Zakim]
16:02:56 [Zakim]
16:02:57 [hober]
Zakim, Apple has hober
16:02:57 [Zakim]
+hober; got it
16:03:06 [adrianba]
adrianba has joined #html-wg
16:03:11 [Zakim]
16:03:30 [hober]
Topic: Action items due by Thursday, October 20
16:03:34 [hober]
rubys: there are none
16:03:38 [Zakim]
16:03:39 [hober]
Topic: New Issues This Week
16:03:51 [hober]
16:03:51 [trackbot]
ISSUE-181 -- remove remains of "sidebar" link relation -- raised
16:03:51 [trackbot]
16:03:52 [paulc]
zakim, [Microsoft] has paulc
16:03:52 [Zakim]
+paulc; got it
16:03:52 [pimpbot]
Title: ISSUE-181: remove remains of "sidebar" link relation - HTML Weekly Tracker (at
16:04:01 [hober]
Topic: Items Closed This Week
16:04:06 [hober]
16:04:06 [trackbot]
ISSUE-166 -- text/html-sandboxed does not always fail closed -- closed
16:04:06 [trackbot]
16:04:07 [pimpbot]
Title: ISSUE-166: text/html-sandboxed does not always fail closed - HTML Weekly Tracker (at
16:04:10 [hober]
rubys: decision applied
16:04:13 [hober]
16:04:15 [pimpbot]
Title: HTML5 Tracker (at
16:04:16 [hober]
16:04:16 [trackbot]
ISSUE-173 -- Split AppCache out -- closed
16:04:16 [trackbot]
16:04:17 [pimpbot]
Title: ISSUE-173: Split AppCache out - HTML Weekly Tracker (at
16:04:19 [hober]
16:04:19 [trackbot]
ISSUE-175 -- Normative Reference to Work Attributed Solely to Pseudonymous Author -- closed
16:04:19 [trackbot]
16:04:20 [pimpbot]
Title: ISSUE-175: Normative Reference to Work Attributed Solely to Pseudonymous Author - HTML Weekly Tracker (at
16:04:24 [hober]
rubys: both closed without prejudice
16:04:32 [hober]
rubys: there are people working on CPs for both
16:04:42 [hober]
rubys: will open when we receive them
16:04:50 [hober]
Topic: Items Closing This Week
16:04:55 [hober]
16:04:55 [trackbot]
ISSUE-174 -- potential conflict between Link: and <link> semantics -- raised
16:04:55 [trackbot]
16:04:57 [pimpbot]
Title: ISSUE-174: potential conflict between Link: and semantics - HTML Weekly Tracker (at
16:04:59 [hober]
16:04:59 [trackbot]
ISSUE-176 -- Revert the edit that removed the Editing API -- raised
16:04:59 [trackbot]
16:05:00 [pimpbot]
Title: ISSUE-176: Revert the edit that removed the Editing API - HTML Weekly Tracker (at
16:05:06 [hober]
rubys: both have change proposals due Oct 21
16:05:21 [hober]
Topic: Items Closing Next Week
16:05:24 [Zakim]
16:05:27 [hober]
16:05:27 [trackbot]
ISSUE-177 -- References to Internet-Drafts should be given as "Work in Progress" per RFC 2026. -- raised
16:05:27 [trackbot]
16:05:28 [pimpbot]
Title: ISSUE-177: References to Internet-Drafts should be given as "Work in Progress" per RFC 2026. - HTML Weekly Tracker (at
16:05:32 [hober]
16:05:32 [trackbot]
ISSUE-178 -- Don't include colon in examples of URI scheme names -- raised
16:05:32 [trackbot]
16:05:33 [pimpbot]
Title: ISSUE-178: Dont include colon in examples of URI scheme names - HTML Weekly Tracker (at
16:05:36 [hober]
16:05:36 [trackbot]
ISSUE-179 -- {audio,video} require param child (or equivalent) -- raised
16:05:36 [trackbot]
16:05:37 [pimpbot]
Title: ISSUE-179: {audio,video} require param child (or equivalent) - HTML Weekly Tracker (at
16:05:39 [J_Voracek]
J_Voracek has joined #html-wg
16:05:46 [hober]
rubys: all change proposals due next Friday, Oct 28
16:05:51 [Julian]
177 has a change proposal
16:06:07 [cjones]
cjones has joined #html-wg
16:06:18 [hober]
rubys: i'll update the issue status page
16:06:25 [hober]
Topic: New Calls this week
16:06:29 [hober]
rubys: there are none
16:06:31 [hober]
Topic: New Surveys this week
16:06:33 [hober]
rubys: there are none
16:06:37 [hober]
Topic: Decisions this week
16:06:40 [hober]
rubys: there are none
16:06:50 [hober]
Topic: Other Business
16:06:55 [hober]
Bug 10830
16:06:57 [pimpbot]
11 public-i18n-cjk, P2, NEW, 13i18n comment : Please add support for rb
16:06:58 [pimpbot]
1110830: public-i18n-cjk, P2, NEW, 13i18n comment : Please add support for rb
16:07:11 [hober]
rubys: some discussion, attempt to raise priority missed deadline
16:07:19 [hober]
rubys: editor has until the end of the year to resolve
16:07:32 [hober]
rubys: can be escalated, just giving editor time to address the issue
16:07:46 [hober]
Topic: Other other business
16:07:56 [hober]
Topic: Scribe for next meeting
16:08:09 [Zakim]
16:08:09 [adrianba]
i can scribe next week
16:08:19 [hober]
Topic: Adjournment
16:08:28 [Zakim]
16:08:31 [Zakim]
16:08:32 [Zakim]
16:08:33 [Zakim]
16:08:33 [Zakim]
16:08:35 [Zakim]
16:08:37 [Zakim]
16:08:37 [janina]
janina has left #html-wg
16:08:39 [Zakim]
16:08:46 [Zakim]
16:09:06 [hober]
RRSAgent: make minutes public
16:09:06 [RRSAgent]
I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes public', hober. Try /msg RRSAgent help
16:09:32 [hober]
RRSAgent: make minutes
16:09:32 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate hober
16:09:32 [Zakim]
- +1.619.524.aaaa
16:12:31 [miketayl_r]
miketayl_r has joined #html-wg
16:15:27 [tH]
tH has joined #html-wg
16:18:20 [dveditz]
dveditz has joined #html-wg
16:18:23 [EGregor]
EGregor has joined #html-wg
16:24:33 [rubys]
rubys has left #html-wg
16:29:30 [karl]
karl has joined #html-wg
16:37:03 [pimpbot]
changes: sam: Change proposal for issue 177 <11>
16:37:06 [pimpbot]
bugmail: [Bug 14202] Have a way to mark up the publication date and latest update time for <article> elements <11>
17:03:38 [miketaylr]
miketaylr has joined #html-wg
17:22:32 [karlushi]
karlushi has joined #html-wg
17:23:33 [Lachy]
Lachy has joined #html-wg
17:35:00 [Zakim]
disconnecting the lone participant, [Microsoft], in HTML_WG()12:00PM
17:35:02 [Zakim]
HTML_WG()12:00PM has ended
17:35:06 [Zakim]
Attendees were dsinger, +1.619.524.aaaa, hober, Radhika_Roy, Mike, Julian, eliot, Sam, Janina, Cynthia_Shelly, paulc, adrianba
17:39:21 [pimpbot]
bugmail: [Bug 13903] leftover text about "sidebar hyperlinks" <11>
18:04:46 [shepazu]
shepazu has joined #html-wg
18:08:11 [davidb]
davidb has joined #html-wg
18:32:34 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #html-wg
18:36:39 [karl]
karl has joined #html-wg
19:12:00 [MikeSmith_]
MikeSmith_ has joined #html-wg
19:35:45 [karl]
karl has joined #html-wg
20:13:55 [pimpbot]
changes: hixie: typo (whatwg r6712) <11>
20:13:57 [pimpbot]
bugmail: [Bug 14039] The algorithm for finding properties of an item doesn't check for element namespace <11> 4** [Bug 14175] should allow deferring these steps until the event handler would be invoked (observable with window.onerror) <11> 4** [Bug 13240] Consider replacing <time> with <data> <11http://
20:17:34 [Dashiva]
Dashiva has joined #html-wg
20:35:46 [pimpbot]
planet: Ben Moskowitz: Popcorn is a Gateway Drug <11>
20:45:34 [pimpbot]
bugmail: [Bug 14175] should allow deferring these steps until the event handler would be invoked (observable with window.onerror) <11> 4** [Bug 14202] Have a way to mark up the publication date and latest update time for <article> elements <11> 4** [Bug 14526] When adding filenames to the data set, shoul
21:16:14 [pimpbot]
bugmail: [Bug 14109] Stop and start media buffering <11> 4** [Bug 14100] <track> typo: Neil DeGrasse Tyson <11> 4** [Bug 14153] This defeats the entire purpose of separating style and content. Style scoping works quite well using the CSS cascade <11
21:48:05 [pimpbot]
bugmail: [Bug 14212] LinkStyle usage means mandatory dependency on CSSOM types <11> 4** [Bug 14176] If the script is not same-origin, window.onerror should be invoked with arguments ("Script error.", "", 0) <11>
22:18:24 [pimpbot]
changes: hixie: Simplification in the microsyntax parsing rules, which makes non-negative integers accept leading - and + characters (- only for -0 of course). (whatwg r6717) <11> 4** hixie: xref (whatwg r6716) <11>
22:18:27 [pimpbot]
bugmail: [Bug 14234] Rules for parsing non-negative integers should re-use rules for parsing signed integers and add a >= 0 check <11> 4** [Bug 14150] I am a photographer as well as a hand-coding web designer. One thing that frustrates me is the duplicity between alt="" and title="" for photographs and photographers. For instance: <img class="thumbnail" alt="David Kyles" title="Dav
22:29:03 [davidb]
davidb has joined #html-wg
22:29:17 [dsinger]
dsinger has joined #html-wg
22:50:19 [pimpbot]
bugmail: [Bug 13983] It seems like textarea's raw value should always normalize newlines to \n <11> 4** [Bug 13983] It seems like textarea's raw value should always normalize newlines to \n <11>
22:55:53 [davidb]
davidb has joined #html-wg
23:20:42 [pimpbot]
changes: hixie: typo (whatwg r6720) <11> 4** hixie: Move XMLDocumentLoader.load to XMLDocument. (whatwg r6719) <11> 4** hixie: Make HTMLDocument === Document. (whatwg r6718) <11> 4** microdata; hixie: Make HTMLDocument === Document. (w
23:20:46 [pimpbot]
bugmail: [Bug 13810] Typo: "elemenst" <11> 4** [Bug 14259] <track> Drop Timestamp Objects on the floor instead of exposing as PIs <11> 4** [Bug 13810] Typo: "elemenst" <11> 4** [Bug 14186] Proposed additional information for <
23:52:21 [pimpbot]
changes: hixie: typo (whatwg r6723) <11> 4** hixie: (WIP - MIMESNIFF has not yet been updated accordingly) Change the spec to use MIMESNIFF rules for text tracks instead of blindly honouring MIME types. (whatwg r6721) <11>
23:52:28 [pimpbot]
bugmail: [Bug 13754] as an author, I would have expected that a radio button with value="" checked would be suffering from being missing when the form is submitted <11> 4** [Bug 13833] Suggesting new feature: Accessible Image tag for Visually Impaired Hi, I design tactile graphics for visually impaired individuals. The amount of useful visual information is enormous and the majorit