| |
- term.Function(term.BuiltIn)
- BI_absoluteValue(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function)
- BI_bit(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function)
- BI_difference(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function)
- BI_exponentiation(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function)
- BI_integerQuotient(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function)
- BI_memberCount(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function)
- BI_negation(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function, term.ReverseFunction)
- BI_product(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function)
- BI_quotient(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function)
- BI_remainder(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function)
- BI_rounded(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function)
- BI_sum(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function)
- term.LightBuiltIn(term.GenericBuiltIn)
- BI_absoluteValue(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function)
- BI_bit(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function)
- BI_difference(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function)
- BI_differenceOf(term.LightBuiltIn, term.ReverseFunction)
- BI_equalTo
- BI_exponentiation(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function)
- BI_exponentiationOf(term.LightBuiltIn, term.ReverseFunction)
- BI_factors(term.LightBuiltIn, term.ReverseFunction)
- BI_greaterThan
- BI_integerQuotient(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function)
- BI_lessThan
- BI_memberCount(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function)
- BI_negation(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function, term.ReverseFunction)
- BI_notEqualTo
- BI_notGreaterThan
- BI_notLessThan
- BI_product(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function)
- BI_quotient(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function)
- BI_quotientOf(term.LightBuiltIn, term.ReverseFunction)
- BI_remainder(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function)
- BI_remainderOf(term.LightBuiltIn, term.ReverseFunction)
- BI_rounded(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function)
- BI_sum(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function)
- BI_sumOf(term.LightBuiltIn, term.ReverseFunction)
- term.ReverseFunction(term.BuiltIn)
- BI_differenceOf(term.LightBuiltIn, term.ReverseFunction)
- BI_exponentiationOf(term.LightBuiltIn, term.ReverseFunction)
- BI_factors(term.LightBuiltIn, term.ReverseFunction)
- BI_negation(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function, term.ReverseFunction)
- BI_quotientOf(term.LightBuiltIn, term.ReverseFunction)
- BI_remainderOf(term.LightBuiltIn, term.ReverseFunction)
- BI_sumOf(term.LightBuiltIn, term.ReverseFunction)
class BI_absoluteValue(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- BI_absoluteValue
- term.LightBuiltIn
- term.GenericBuiltIn
- term.Function
- term.BuiltIn
- term.Fragment
- term.LabelledNode
- term.Node
- term.Term
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- evaluateObject(self, subj_py)
Methods inherited from term.GenericBuiltIn:
- __init__(self, resource, fragid)
Methods inherited from term.Function:
- eval(self, subj, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- evalObj(self, subj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- This function which has access to the store, unless overridden,
calls a simpler one which uses python conventions.
To reduce confusion, the inital ones called with the internals available
use abreviations "eval", "subj" etc while the python-style ones use "evaluate", "subject", etc.
Static methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- __new__(cls, *args, **keywords)
Data and other attributes inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- all = []
Methods inherited from term.Fragment:
- compareTerm(self, other)
- dereference(self, mode='', workingContext=None)
- dereference an identifyer, finding the semantics of its schema if any
Returns None if it cannot be retreived.
- generated(self)
- A generated identifier?
This arises when a document is parsed and a arbitrary
name is made up to represent a node with no known URI.
It is useful to know that its ID has no use outside that
- representation(self, base=None)
- Optimize output if prefixes available
- uriref(self)
- uriref2(self, base)
Methods inherited from term.LabelledNode:
- classOrder(self)
Methods inherited from term.Term:
- __repr__(self)
- This method only used for debugging output - it can be ambiguous,
as it is is deliberately short to make debug printout readable.
output as XML qnames [http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-QName].
This could be beefed up to guarantee unambiguity.
- asPair(self)
- Representation in an earlier format, being phased out 2002/08
The first part of the pair is a constant number represnting the type
see RDFSink.py. the second is the value -- uri for symbols,
string for literals
- compareAnyTerm(self, other)
- Compare two langauge items
This is a cannoncial ordering in that is designed to allow
the same graph always to be printed in the same order.
This makes the regression tests possible.
The literals are deemed smaller than symbols, which are smaller
than formulae. This puts the rules at the botom of a file where
they tend to take a lot of space anyway.
Formulae have to be compared as a function of their sorted contents.
@@ Anonymous nodes have to, within a given Formula, be compared as
a function of the sorted information about them in that context.
This is not done yet
- debugString(self, already=[])
- doesNodeAppear(self, symbol)
- Does that node appear within this one
This non-overloaded function will simply return if I'm equal to him
- freeVariables(self)
- occurringIn(self, vars)
- substituteEquals(self, bindings, newRedirections)
- Return this or a version of me with substitution made
- substitution(self, bindings, why=None, cannon=False)
- Return this or a version of me with subsitution made
- unify(self, other, env1=Env({}), env2=Env({}), vars=set([]), universals=set([]), existentials=set([]), n1Source=32, n2Source=32)
- unifySecondary(self, other, env1, env2, vars, universals, existentials, n1Source=55, n2Source=55)
- value(self)
- As a python value - by default, none exists, use self
Data and other attributes inherited from term.Term:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Term' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class BI_bit(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function) |
@@needs a test. |
- Method resolution order:
- BI_bit
- term.LightBuiltIn
- term.GenericBuiltIn
- term.Function
- term.BuiltIn
- term.Fragment
- term.LabelledNode
- term.Node
- term.Term
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- evaluateObject(self, subj_py)
Methods inherited from term.GenericBuiltIn:
- __init__(self, resource, fragid)
Methods inherited from term.Function:
- eval(self, subj, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- evalObj(self, subj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- This function which has access to the store, unless overridden,
calls a simpler one which uses python conventions.
To reduce confusion, the inital ones called with the internals available
use abreviations "eval", "subj" etc while the python-style ones use "evaluate", "subject", etc.
Static methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- __new__(cls, *args, **keywords)
Data and other attributes inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- all = []
Methods inherited from term.Fragment:
- compareTerm(self, other)
- dereference(self, mode='', workingContext=None)
- dereference an identifyer, finding the semantics of its schema if any
Returns None if it cannot be retreived.
- generated(self)
- A generated identifier?
This arises when a document is parsed and a arbitrary
name is made up to represent a node with no known URI.
It is useful to know that its ID has no use outside that
- representation(self, base=None)
- Optimize output if prefixes available
- uriref(self)
- uriref2(self, base)
Methods inherited from term.LabelledNode:
- classOrder(self)
Methods inherited from term.Term:
- __repr__(self)
- This method only used for debugging output - it can be ambiguous,
as it is is deliberately short to make debug printout readable.
output as XML qnames [http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-QName].
This could be beefed up to guarantee unambiguity.
- asPair(self)
- Representation in an earlier format, being phased out 2002/08
The first part of the pair is a constant number represnting the type
see RDFSink.py. the second is the value -- uri for symbols,
string for literals
- compareAnyTerm(self, other)
- Compare two langauge items
This is a cannoncial ordering in that is designed to allow
the same graph always to be printed in the same order.
This makes the regression tests possible.
The literals are deemed smaller than symbols, which are smaller
than formulae. This puts the rules at the botom of a file where
they tend to take a lot of space anyway.
Formulae have to be compared as a function of their sorted contents.
@@ Anonymous nodes have to, within a given Formula, be compared as
a function of the sorted information about them in that context.
This is not done yet
- debugString(self, already=[])
- doesNodeAppear(self, symbol)
- Does that node appear within this one
This non-overloaded function will simply return if I'm equal to him
- freeVariables(self)
- occurringIn(self, vars)
- substituteEquals(self, bindings, newRedirections)
- Return this or a version of me with substitution made
- substitution(self, bindings, why=None, cannon=False)
- Return this or a version of me with subsitution made
- unify(self, other, env1=Env({}), env2=Env({}), vars=set([]), universals=set([]), existentials=set([]), n1Source=32, n2Source=32)
- unifySecondary(self, other, env1, env2, vars, universals, existentials, n1Source=55, n2Source=55)
- value(self)
- As a python value - by default, none exists, use self
Data and other attributes inherited from term.Term:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Term' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class BI_difference(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- BI_difference
- term.LightBuiltIn
- term.GenericBuiltIn
- term.Function
- term.BuiltIn
- term.Fragment
- term.LabelledNode
- term.Node
- term.Term
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- evaluateObject(self, subj_py)
Methods inherited from term.GenericBuiltIn:
- __init__(self, resource, fragid)
Methods inherited from term.Function:
- eval(self, subj, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- evalObj(self, subj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- This function which has access to the store, unless overridden,
calls a simpler one which uses python conventions.
To reduce confusion, the inital ones called with the internals available
use abreviations "eval", "subj" etc while the python-style ones use "evaluate", "subject", etc.
Static methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- __new__(cls, *args, **keywords)
Data and other attributes inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- all = []
Methods inherited from term.Fragment:
- compareTerm(self, other)
- dereference(self, mode='', workingContext=None)
- dereference an identifyer, finding the semantics of its schema if any
Returns None if it cannot be retreived.
- generated(self)
- A generated identifier?
This arises when a document is parsed and a arbitrary
name is made up to represent a node with no known URI.
It is useful to know that its ID has no use outside that
- representation(self, base=None)
- Optimize output if prefixes available
- uriref(self)
- uriref2(self, base)
Methods inherited from term.LabelledNode:
- classOrder(self)
Methods inherited from term.Term:
- __repr__(self)
- This method only used for debugging output - it can be ambiguous,
as it is is deliberately short to make debug printout readable.
output as XML qnames [http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-QName].
This could be beefed up to guarantee unambiguity.
- asPair(self)
- Representation in an earlier format, being phased out 2002/08
The first part of the pair is a constant number represnting the type
see RDFSink.py. the second is the value -- uri for symbols,
string for literals
- compareAnyTerm(self, other)
- Compare two langauge items
This is a cannoncial ordering in that is designed to allow
the same graph always to be printed in the same order.
This makes the regression tests possible.
The literals are deemed smaller than symbols, which are smaller
than formulae. This puts the rules at the botom of a file where
they tend to take a lot of space anyway.
Formulae have to be compared as a function of their sorted contents.
@@ Anonymous nodes have to, within a given Formula, be compared as
a function of the sorted information about them in that context.
This is not done yet
- debugString(self, already=[])
- doesNodeAppear(self, symbol)
- Does that node appear within this one
This non-overloaded function will simply return if I'm equal to him
- freeVariables(self)
- occurringIn(self, vars)
- substituteEquals(self, bindings, newRedirections)
- Return this or a version of me with substitution made
- substitution(self, bindings, why=None, cannon=False)
- Return this or a version of me with subsitution made
- unify(self, other, env1=Env({}), env2=Env({}), vars=set([]), universals=set([]), existentials=set([]), n1Source=32, n2Source=32)
- unifySecondary(self, other, env1, env2, vars, universals, existentials, n1Source=55, n2Source=55)
- value(self)
- As a python value - by default, none exists, use self
Data and other attributes inherited from term.Term:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Term' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class BI_differenceOf(term.LightBuiltIn, term.ReverseFunction) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- BI_differenceOf
- term.LightBuiltIn
- term.GenericBuiltIn
- term.ReverseFunction
- term.BuiltIn
- term.Fragment
- term.LabelledNode
- term.Node
- term.Term
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- evaluateSubject(self, obj_py)
Methods inherited from term.GenericBuiltIn:
- __init__(self, resource, fragid)
Methods inherited from term.ReverseFunction:
- eval(self, subj, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- evalSubj(self, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- This function which has access to the store, unless overridden,
calls a simpler one which uses python conventions
Static methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- __new__(cls, *args, **keywords)
Data and other attributes inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- all = []
Methods inherited from term.Fragment:
- compareTerm(self, other)
- dereference(self, mode='', workingContext=None)
- dereference an identifyer, finding the semantics of its schema if any
Returns None if it cannot be retreived.
- generated(self)
- A generated identifier?
This arises when a document is parsed and a arbitrary
name is made up to represent a node with no known URI.
It is useful to know that its ID has no use outside that
- representation(self, base=None)
- Optimize output if prefixes available
- uriref(self)
- uriref2(self, base)
Methods inherited from term.LabelledNode:
- classOrder(self)
Methods inherited from term.Term:
- __repr__(self)
- This method only used for debugging output - it can be ambiguous,
as it is is deliberately short to make debug printout readable.
output as XML qnames [http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-QName].
This could be beefed up to guarantee unambiguity.
- asPair(self)
- Representation in an earlier format, being phased out 2002/08
The first part of the pair is a constant number represnting the type
see RDFSink.py. the second is the value -- uri for symbols,
string for literals
- compareAnyTerm(self, other)
- Compare two langauge items
This is a cannoncial ordering in that is designed to allow
the same graph always to be printed in the same order.
This makes the regression tests possible.
The literals are deemed smaller than symbols, which are smaller
than formulae. This puts the rules at the botom of a file where
they tend to take a lot of space anyway.
Formulae have to be compared as a function of their sorted contents.
@@ Anonymous nodes have to, within a given Formula, be compared as
a function of the sorted information about them in that context.
This is not done yet
- debugString(self, already=[])
- doesNodeAppear(self, symbol)
- Does that node appear within this one
This non-overloaded function will simply return if I'm equal to him
- freeVariables(self)
- occurringIn(self, vars)
- substituteEquals(self, bindings, newRedirections)
- Return this or a version of me with substitution made
- substitution(self, bindings, why=None, cannon=False)
- Return this or a version of me with subsitution made
- unify(self, other, env1=Env({}), env2=Env({}), vars=set([]), universals=set([]), existentials=set([]), n1Source=32, n2Source=32)
- unifySecondary(self, other, env1, env2, vars, universals, existentials, n1Source=55, n2Source=55)
- value(self)
- As a python value - by default, none exists, use self
Data and other attributes inherited from term.Term:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Term' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class BI_equalTo(term.LightBuiltIn) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- BI_equalTo
- term.LightBuiltIn
- term.GenericBuiltIn
- term.BuiltIn
- term.Fragment
- term.LabelledNode
- term.Node
- term.Term
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- evaluate(self, subject, object)
Methods inherited from term.GenericBuiltIn:
- __init__(self, resource, fragid)
Methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- eval(self, subj, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- This function which has access to the store, unless overridden,
calls a simpler one which uses python conventions.
To reduce confusion, the inital ones called with the internals available
use abreviations "eval", "subj" etc while the python-style ones use
evaluate, subject, etc.
Static methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- __new__(cls, *args, **keywords)
Data and other attributes inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- all = []
Methods inherited from term.Fragment:
- compareTerm(self, other)
- dereference(self, mode='', workingContext=None)
- dereference an identifyer, finding the semantics of its schema if any
Returns None if it cannot be retreived.
- generated(self)
- A generated identifier?
This arises when a document is parsed and a arbitrary
name is made up to represent a node with no known URI.
It is useful to know that its ID has no use outside that
- representation(self, base=None)
- Optimize output if prefixes available
- uriref(self)
- uriref2(self, base)
Methods inherited from term.LabelledNode:
- classOrder(self)
Methods inherited from term.Term:
- __repr__(self)
- This method only used for debugging output - it can be ambiguous,
as it is is deliberately short to make debug printout readable.
output as XML qnames [http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-QName].
This could be beefed up to guarantee unambiguity.
- asPair(self)
- Representation in an earlier format, being phased out 2002/08
The first part of the pair is a constant number represnting the type
see RDFSink.py. the second is the value -- uri for symbols,
string for literals
- compareAnyTerm(self, other)
- Compare two langauge items
This is a cannoncial ordering in that is designed to allow
the same graph always to be printed in the same order.
This makes the regression tests possible.
The literals are deemed smaller than symbols, which are smaller
than formulae. This puts the rules at the botom of a file where
they tend to take a lot of space anyway.
Formulae have to be compared as a function of their sorted contents.
@@ Anonymous nodes have to, within a given Formula, be compared as
a function of the sorted information about them in that context.
This is not done yet
- debugString(self, already=[])
- doesNodeAppear(self, symbol)
- Does that node appear within this one
This non-overloaded function will simply return if I'm equal to him
- freeVariables(self)
- occurringIn(self, vars)
- substituteEquals(self, bindings, newRedirections)
- Return this or a version of me with substitution made
- substitution(self, bindings, why=None, cannon=False)
- Return this or a version of me with subsitution made
- unify(self, other, env1=Env({}), env2=Env({}), vars=set([]), universals=set([]), existentials=set([]), n1Source=32, n2Source=32)
- unifySecondary(self, other, env1, env2, vars, universals, existentials, n1Source=55, n2Source=55)
- value(self)
- As a python value - by default, none exists, use self
Data and other attributes inherited from term.Term:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Term' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class BI_exponentiation(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- BI_exponentiation
- term.LightBuiltIn
- term.GenericBuiltIn
- term.Function
- term.BuiltIn
- term.Fragment
- term.LabelledNode
- term.Node
- term.Term
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- evaluateObject(self, subj_py)
Methods inherited from term.GenericBuiltIn:
- __init__(self, resource, fragid)
Methods inherited from term.Function:
- eval(self, subj, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- evalObj(self, subj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- This function which has access to the store, unless overridden,
calls a simpler one which uses python conventions.
To reduce confusion, the inital ones called with the internals available
use abreviations "eval", "subj" etc while the python-style ones use "evaluate", "subject", etc.
Static methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- __new__(cls, *args, **keywords)
Data and other attributes inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- all = []
Methods inherited from term.Fragment:
- compareTerm(self, other)
- dereference(self, mode='', workingContext=None)
- dereference an identifyer, finding the semantics of its schema if any
Returns None if it cannot be retreived.
- generated(self)
- A generated identifier?
This arises when a document is parsed and a arbitrary
name is made up to represent a node with no known URI.
It is useful to know that its ID has no use outside that
- representation(self, base=None)
- Optimize output if prefixes available
- uriref(self)
- uriref2(self, base)
Methods inherited from term.LabelledNode:
- classOrder(self)
Methods inherited from term.Term:
- __repr__(self)
- This method only used for debugging output - it can be ambiguous,
as it is is deliberately short to make debug printout readable.
output as XML qnames [http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-QName].
This could be beefed up to guarantee unambiguity.
- asPair(self)
- Representation in an earlier format, being phased out 2002/08
The first part of the pair is a constant number represnting the type
see RDFSink.py. the second is the value -- uri for symbols,
string for literals
- compareAnyTerm(self, other)
- Compare two langauge items
This is a cannoncial ordering in that is designed to allow
the same graph always to be printed in the same order.
This makes the regression tests possible.
The literals are deemed smaller than symbols, which are smaller
than formulae. This puts the rules at the botom of a file where
they tend to take a lot of space anyway.
Formulae have to be compared as a function of their sorted contents.
@@ Anonymous nodes have to, within a given Formula, be compared as
a function of the sorted information about them in that context.
This is not done yet
- debugString(self, already=[])
- doesNodeAppear(self, symbol)
- Does that node appear within this one
This non-overloaded function will simply return if I'm equal to him
- freeVariables(self)
- occurringIn(self, vars)
- substituteEquals(self, bindings, newRedirections)
- Return this or a version of me with substitution made
- substitution(self, bindings, why=None, cannon=False)
- Return this or a version of me with subsitution made
- unify(self, other, env1=Env({}), env2=Env({}), vars=set([]), universals=set([]), existentials=set([]), n1Source=32, n2Source=32)
- unifySecondary(self, other, env1, env2, vars, universals, existentials, n1Source=55, n2Source=55)
- value(self)
- As a python value - by default, none exists, use self
Data and other attributes inherited from term.Term:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Term' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class BI_exponentiationOf(term.LightBuiltIn, term.ReverseFunction) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- BI_exponentiationOf
- term.LightBuiltIn
- term.GenericBuiltIn
- term.ReverseFunction
- term.BuiltIn
- term.Fragment
- term.LabelledNode
- term.Node
- term.Term
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- evaluateSubject(self, obj_py)
Methods inherited from term.GenericBuiltIn:
- __init__(self, resource, fragid)
Methods inherited from term.ReverseFunction:
- eval(self, subj, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- evalSubj(self, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- This function which has access to the store, unless overridden,
calls a simpler one which uses python conventions
Static methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- __new__(cls, *args, **keywords)
Data and other attributes inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- all = []
Methods inherited from term.Fragment:
- compareTerm(self, other)
- dereference(self, mode='', workingContext=None)
- dereference an identifyer, finding the semantics of its schema if any
Returns None if it cannot be retreived.
- generated(self)
- A generated identifier?
This arises when a document is parsed and a arbitrary
name is made up to represent a node with no known URI.
It is useful to know that its ID has no use outside that
- representation(self, base=None)
- Optimize output if prefixes available
- uriref(self)
- uriref2(self, base)
Methods inherited from term.LabelledNode:
- classOrder(self)
Methods inherited from term.Term:
- __repr__(self)
- This method only used for debugging output - it can be ambiguous,
as it is is deliberately short to make debug printout readable.
output as XML qnames [http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-QName].
This could be beefed up to guarantee unambiguity.
- asPair(self)
- Representation in an earlier format, being phased out 2002/08
The first part of the pair is a constant number represnting the type
see RDFSink.py. the second is the value -- uri for symbols,
string for literals
- compareAnyTerm(self, other)
- Compare two langauge items
This is a cannoncial ordering in that is designed to allow
the same graph always to be printed in the same order.
This makes the regression tests possible.
The literals are deemed smaller than symbols, which are smaller
than formulae. This puts the rules at the botom of a file where
they tend to take a lot of space anyway.
Formulae have to be compared as a function of their sorted contents.
@@ Anonymous nodes have to, within a given Formula, be compared as
a function of the sorted information about them in that context.
This is not done yet
- debugString(self, already=[])
- doesNodeAppear(self, symbol)
- Does that node appear within this one
This non-overloaded function will simply return if I'm equal to him
- freeVariables(self)
- occurringIn(self, vars)
- substituteEquals(self, bindings, newRedirections)
- Return this or a version of me with substitution made
- substitution(self, bindings, why=None, cannon=False)
- Return this or a version of me with subsitution made
- unify(self, other, env1=Env({}), env2=Env({}), vars=set([]), universals=set([]), existentials=set([]), n1Source=32, n2Source=32)
- unifySecondary(self, other, env1, env2, vars, universals, existentials, n1Source=55, n2Source=55)
- value(self)
- As a python value - by default, none exists, use self
Data and other attributes inherited from term.Term:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Term' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class BI_factors(term.LightBuiltIn, term.ReverseFunction) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- BI_factors
- term.LightBuiltIn
- term.GenericBuiltIn
- term.ReverseFunction
- term.BuiltIn
- term.Fragment
- term.LabelledNode
- term.Node
- term.Term
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- evaluateSubject(self, obj_py)
Methods inherited from term.GenericBuiltIn:
- __init__(self, resource, fragid)
Methods inherited from term.ReverseFunction:
- eval(self, subj, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- evalSubj(self, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- This function which has access to the store, unless overridden,
calls a simpler one which uses python conventions
Static methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- __new__(cls, *args, **keywords)
Data and other attributes inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- all = []
Methods inherited from term.Fragment:
- compareTerm(self, other)
- dereference(self, mode='', workingContext=None)
- dereference an identifyer, finding the semantics of its schema if any
Returns None if it cannot be retreived.
- generated(self)
- A generated identifier?
This arises when a document is parsed and a arbitrary
name is made up to represent a node with no known URI.
It is useful to know that its ID has no use outside that
- representation(self, base=None)
- Optimize output if prefixes available
- uriref(self)
- uriref2(self, base)
Methods inherited from term.LabelledNode:
- classOrder(self)
Methods inherited from term.Term:
- __repr__(self)
- This method only used for debugging output - it can be ambiguous,
as it is is deliberately short to make debug printout readable.
output as XML qnames [http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-QName].
This could be beefed up to guarantee unambiguity.
- asPair(self)
- Representation in an earlier format, being phased out 2002/08
The first part of the pair is a constant number represnting the type
see RDFSink.py. the second is the value -- uri for symbols,
string for literals
- compareAnyTerm(self, other)
- Compare two langauge items
This is a cannoncial ordering in that is designed to allow
the same graph always to be printed in the same order.
This makes the regression tests possible.
The literals are deemed smaller than symbols, which are smaller
than formulae. This puts the rules at the botom of a file where
they tend to take a lot of space anyway.
Formulae have to be compared as a function of their sorted contents.
@@ Anonymous nodes have to, within a given Formula, be compared as
a function of the sorted information about them in that context.
This is not done yet
- debugString(self, already=[])
- doesNodeAppear(self, symbol)
- Does that node appear within this one
This non-overloaded function will simply return if I'm equal to him
- freeVariables(self)
- occurringIn(self, vars)
- substituteEquals(self, bindings, newRedirections)
- Return this or a version of me with substitution made
- substitution(self, bindings, why=None, cannon=False)
- Return this or a version of me with subsitution made
- unify(self, other, env1=Env({}), env2=Env({}), vars=set([]), universals=set([]), existentials=set([]), n1Source=32, n2Source=32)
- unifySecondary(self, other, env1, env2, vars, universals, existentials, n1Source=55, n2Source=55)
- value(self)
- As a python value - by default, none exists, use self
Data and other attributes inherited from term.Term:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Term' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class BI_greaterThan(term.LightBuiltIn) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- BI_greaterThan
- term.LightBuiltIn
- term.GenericBuiltIn
- term.BuiltIn
- term.Fragment
- term.LabelledNode
- term.Node
- term.Term
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- evaluate(self, subject, object)
Methods inherited from term.GenericBuiltIn:
- __init__(self, resource, fragid)
Methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- eval(self, subj, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- This function which has access to the store, unless overridden,
calls a simpler one which uses python conventions.
To reduce confusion, the inital ones called with the internals available
use abreviations "eval", "subj" etc while the python-style ones use
evaluate, subject, etc.
Static methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- __new__(cls, *args, **keywords)
Data and other attributes inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- all = []
Methods inherited from term.Fragment:
- compareTerm(self, other)
- dereference(self, mode='', workingContext=None)
- dereference an identifyer, finding the semantics of its schema if any
Returns None if it cannot be retreived.
- generated(self)
- A generated identifier?
This arises when a document is parsed and a arbitrary
name is made up to represent a node with no known URI.
It is useful to know that its ID has no use outside that
- representation(self, base=None)
- Optimize output if prefixes available
- uriref(self)
- uriref2(self, base)
Methods inherited from term.LabelledNode:
- classOrder(self)
Methods inherited from term.Term:
- __repr__(self)
- This method only used for debugging output - it can be ambiguous,
as it is is deliberately short to make debug printout readable.
output as XML qnames [http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-QName].
This could be beefed up to guarantee unambiguity.
- asPair(self)
- Representation in an earlier format, being phased out 2002/08
The first part of the pair is a constant number represnting the type
see RDFSink.py. the second is the value -- uri for symbols,
string for literals
- compareAnyTerm(self, other)
- Compare two langauge items
This is a cannoncial ordering in that is designed to allow
the same graph always to be printed in the same order.
This makes the regression tests possible.
The literals are deemed smaller than symbols, which are smaller
than formulae. This puts the rules at the botom of a file where
they tend to take a lot of space anyway.
Formulae have to be compared as a function of their sorted contents.
@@ Anonymous nodes have to, within a given Formula, be compared as
a function of the sorted information about them in that context.
This is not done yet
- debugString(self, already=[])
- doesNodeAppear(self, symbol)
- Does that node appear within this one
This non-overloaded function will simply return if I'm equal to him
- freeVariables(self)
- occurringIn(self, vars)
- substituteEquals(self, bindings, newRedirections)
- Return this or a version of me with substitution made
- substitution(self, bindings, why=None, cannon=False)
- Return this or a version of me with subsitution made
- unify(self, other, env1=Env({}), env2=Env({}), vars=set([]), universals=set([]), existentials=set([]), n1Source=32, n2Source=32)
- unifySecondary(self, other, env1, env2, vars, universals, existentials, n1Source=55, n2Source=55)
- value(self)
- As a python value - by default, none exists, use self
Data and other attributes inherited from term.Term:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Term' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class BI_integerQuotient(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- BI_integerQuotient
- term.LightBuiltIn
- term.GenericBuiltIn
- term.Function
- term.BuiltIn
- term.Fragment
- term.LabelledNode
- term.Node
- term.Term
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- evaluateObject(self, subj_py)
Methods inherited from term.GenericBuiltIn:
- __init__(self, resource, fragid)
Methods inherited from term.Function:
- eval(self, subj, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- evalObj(self, subj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- This function which has access to the store, unless overridden,
calls a simpler one which uses python conventions.
To reduce confusion, the inital ones called with the internals available
use abreviations "eval", "subj" etc while the python-style ones use "evaluate", "subject", etc.
Static methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- __new__(cls, *args, **keywords)
Data and other attributes inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- all = []
Methods inherited from term.Fragment:
- compareTerm(self, other)
- dereference(self, mode='', workingContext=None)
- dereference an identifyer, finding the semantics of its schema if any
Returns None if it cannot be retreived.
- generated(self)
- A generated identifier?
This arises when a document is parsed and a arbitrary
name is made up to represent a node with no known URI.
It is useful to know that its ID has no use outside that
- representation(self, base=None)
- Optimize output if prefixes available
- uriref(self)
- uriref2(self, base)
Methods inherited from term.LabelledNode:
- classOrder(self)
Methods inherited from term.Term:
- __repr__(self)
- This method only used for debugging output - it can be ambiguous,
as it is is deliberately short to make debug printout readable.
output as XML qnames [http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-QName].
This could be beefed up to guarantee unambiguity.
- asPair(self)
- Representation in an earlier format, being phased out 2002/08
The first part of the pair is a constant number represnting the type
see RDFSink.py. the second is the value -- uri for symbols,
string for literals
- compareAnyTerm(self, other)
- Compare two langauge items
This is a cannoncial ordering in that is designed to allow
the same graph always to be printed in the same order.
This makes the regression tests possible.
The literals are deemed smaller than symbols, which are smaller
than formulae. This puts the rules at the botom of a file where
they tend to take a lot of space anyway.
Formulae have to be compared as a function of their sorted contents.
@@ Anonymous nodes have to, within a given Formula, be compared as
a function of the sorted information about them in that context.
This is not done yet
- debugString(self, already=[])
- doesNodeAppear(self, symbol)
- Does that node appear within this one
This non-overloaded function will simply return if I'm equal to him
- freeVariables(self)
- occurringIn(self, vars)
- substituteEquals(self, bindings, newRedirections)
- Return this or a version of me with substitution made
- substitution(self, bindings, why=None, cannon=False)
- Return this or a version of me with subsitution made
- unify(self, other, env1=Env({}), env2=Env({}), vars=set([]), universals=set([]), existentials=set([]), n1Source=32, n2Source=32)
- unifySecondary(self, other, env1, env2, vars, universals, existentials, n1Source=55, n2Source=55)
- value(self)
- As a python value - by default, none exists, use self
Data and other attributes inherited from term.Term:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Term' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class BI_lessThan(term.LightBuiltIn) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- BI_lessThan
- term.LightBuiltIn
- term.GenericBuiltIn
- term.BuiltIn
- term.Fragment
- term.LabelledNode
- term.Node
- term.Term
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- evaluate(self, subject, object)
Methods inherited from term.GenericBuiltIn:
- __init__(self, resource, fragid)
Methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- eval(self, subj, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- This function which has access to the store, unless overridden,
calls a simpler one which uses python conventions.
To reduce confusion, the inital ones called with the internals available
use abreviations "eval", "subj" etc while the python-style ones use
evaluate, subject, etc.
Static methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- __new__(cls, *args, **keywords)
Data and other attributes inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- all = []
Methods inherited from term.Fragment:
- compareTerm(self, other)
- dereference(self, mode='', workingContext=None)
- dereference an identifyer, finding the semantics of its schema if any
Returns None if it cannot be retreived.
- generated(self)
- A generated identifier?
This arises when a document is parsed and a arbitrary
name is made up to represent a node with no known URI.
It is useful to know that its ID has no use outside that
- representation(self, base=None)
- Optimize output if prefixes available
- uriref(self)
- uriref2(self, base)
Methods inherited from term.LabelledNode:
- classOrder(self)
Methods inherited from term.Term:
- __repr__(self)
- This method only used for debugging output - it can be ambiguous,
as it is is deliberately short to make debug printout readable.
output as XML qnames [http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-QName].
This could be beefed up to guarantee unambiguity.
- asPair(self)
- Representation in an earlier format, being phased out 2002/08
The first part of the pair is a constant number represnting the type
see RDFSink.py. the second is the value -- uri for symbols,
string for literals
- compareAnyTerm(self, other)
- Compare two langauge items
This is a cannoncial ordering in that is designed to allow
the same graph always to be printed in the same order.
This makes the regression tests possible.
The literals are deemed smaller than symbols, which are smaller
than formulae. This puts the rules at the botom of a file where
they tend to take a lot of space anyway.
Formulae have to be compared as a function of their sorted contents.
@@ Anonymous nodes have to, within a given Formula, be compared as
a function of the sorted information about them in that context.
This is not done yet
- debugString(self, already=[])
- doesNodeAppear(self, symbol)
- Does that node appear within this one
This non-overloaded function will simply return if I'm equal to him
- freeVariables(self)
- occurringIn(self, vars)
- substituteEquals(self, bindings, newRedirections)
- Return this or a version of me with substitution made
- substitution(self, bindings, why=None, cannon=False)
- Return this or a version of me with subsitution made
- unify(self, other, env1=Env({}), env2=Env({}), vars=set([]), universals=set([]), existentials=set([]), n1Source=32, n2Source=32)
- unifySecondary(self, other, env1, env2, vars, universals, existentials, n1Source=55, n2Source=55)
- value(self)
- As a python value - by default, none exists, use self
Data and other attributes inherited from term.Term:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Term' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class BI_memberCount(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- BI_memberCount
- term.LightBuiltIn
- term.GenericBuiltIn
- term.Function
- term.BuiltIn
- term.Fragment
- term.LabelledNode
- term.Node
- term.Term
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- evaluateObject(self, subj_py)
Methods inherited from term.GenericBuiltIn:
- __init__(self, resource, fragid)
Methods inherited from term.Function:
- eval(self, subj, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- evalObj(self, subj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- This function which has access to the store, unless overridden,
calls a simpler one which uses python conventions.
To reduce confusion, the inital ones called with the internals available
use abreviations "eval", "subj" etc while the python-style ones use "evaluate", "subject", etc.
Static methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- __new__(cls, *args, **keywords)
Data and other attributes inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- all = []
Methods inherited from term.Fragment:
- compareTerm(self, other)
- dereference(self, mode='', workingContext=None)
- dereference an identifyer, finding the semantics of its schema if any
Returns None if it cannot be retreived.
- generated(self)
- A generated identifier?
This arises when a document is parsed and a arbitrary
name is made up to represent a node with no known URI.
It is useful to know that its ID has no use outside that
- representation(self, base=None)
- Optimize output if prefixes available
- uriref(self)
- uriref2(self, base)
Methods inherited from term.LabelledNode:
- classOrder(self)
Methods inherited from term.Term:
- __repr__(self)
- This method only used for debugging output - it can be ambiguous,
as it is is deliberately short to make debug printout readable.
output as XML qnames [http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-QName].
This could be beefed up to guarantee unambiguity.
- asPair(self)
- Representation in an earlier format, being phased out 2002/08
The first part of the pair is a constant number represnting the type
see RDFSink.py. the second is the value -- uri for symbols,
string for literals
- compareAnyTerm(self, other)
- Compare two langauge items
This is a cannoncial ordering in that is designed to allow
the same graph always to be printed in the same order.
This makes the regression tests possible.
The literals are deemed smaller than symbols, which are smaller
than formulae. This puts the rules at the botom of a file where
they tend to take a lot of space anyway.
Formulae have to be compared as a function of their sorted contents.
@@ Anonymous nodes have to, within a given Formula, be compared as
a function of the sorted information about them in that context.
This is not done yet
- debugString(self, already=[])
- doesNodeAppear(self, symbol)
- Does that node appear within this one
This non-overloaded function will simply return if I'm equal to him
- freeVariables(self)
- occurringIn(self, vars)
- substituteEquals(self, bindings, newRedirections)
- Return this or a version of me with substitution made
- substitution(self, bindings, why=None, cannon=False)
- Return this or a version of me with subsitution made
- unify(self, other, env1=Env({}), env2=Env({}), vars=set([]), universals=set([]), existentials=set([]), n1Source=32, n2Source=32)
- unifySecondary(self, other, env1, env2, vars, universals, existentials, n1Source=55, n2Source=55)
- value(self)
- As a python value - by default, none exists, use self
Data and other attributes inherited from term.Term:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Term' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class BI_negation(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function, term.ReverseFunction) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- BI_negation
- term.LightBuiltIn
- term.GenericBuiltIn
- term.Function
- term.ReverseFunction
- term.BuiltIn
- term.Fragment
- term.LabelledNode
- term.Node
- term.Term
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- evaluateObject(self, subj_py)
- evaluateSubject(self, obj_py)
Methods inherited from term.GenericBuiltIn:
- __init__(self, resource, fragid)
Methods inherited from term.Function:
- eval(self, subj, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- evalObj(self, subj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- This function which has access to the store, unless overridden,
calls a simpler one which uses python conventions.
To reduce confusion, the inital ones called with the internals available
use abreviations "eval", "subj" etc while the python-style ones use "evaluate", "subject", etc.
Methods inherited from term.ReverseFunction:
- evalSubj(self, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- This function which has access to the store, unless overridden,
calls a simpler one which uses python conventions
Static methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- __new__(cls, *args, **keywords)
Data and other attributes inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- all = []
Methods inherited from term.Fragment:
- compareTerm(self, other)
- dereference(self, mode='', workingContext=None)
- dereference an identifyer, finding the semantics of its schema if any
Returns None if it cannot be retreived.
- generated(self)
- A generated identifier?
This arises when a document is parsed and a arbitrary
name is made up to represent a node with no known URI.
It is useful to know that its ID has no use outside that
- representation(self, base=None)
- Optimize output if prefixes available
- uriref(self)
- uriref2(self, base)
Methods inherited from term.LabelledNode:
- classOrder(self)
Methods inherited from term.Term:
- __repr__(self)
- This method only used for debugging output - it can be ambiguous,
as it is is deliberately short to make debug printout readable.
output as XML qnames [http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-QName].
This could be beefed up to guarantee unambiguity.
- asPair(self)
- Representation in an earlier format, being phased out 2002/08
The first part of the pair is a constant number represnting the type
see RDFSink.py. the second is the value -- uri for symbols,
string for literals
- compareAnyTerm(self, other)
- Compare two langauge items
This is a cannoncial ordering in that is designed to allow
the same graph always to be printed in the same order.
This makes the regression tests possible.
The literals are deemed smaller than symbols, which are smaller
than formulae. This puts the rules at the botom of a file where
they tend to take a lot of space anyway.
Formulae have to be compared as a function of their sorted contents.
@@ Anonymous nodes have to, within a given Formula, be compared as
a function of the sorted information about them in that context.
This is not done yet
- debugString(self, already=[])
- doesNodeAppear(self, symbol)
- Does that node appear within this one
This non-overloaded function will simply return if I'm equal to him
- freeVariables(self)
- occurringIn(self, vars)
- substituteEquals(self, bindings, newRedirections)
- Return this or a version of me with substitution made
- substitution(self, bindings, why=None, cannon=False)
- Return this or a version of me with subsitution made
- unify(self, other, env1=Env({}), env2=Env({}), vars=set([]), universals=set([]), existentials=set([]), n1Source=32, n2Source=32)
- unifySecondary(self, other, env1, env2, vars, universals, existentials, n1Source=55, n2Source=55)
- value(self)
- As a python value - by default, none exists, use self
Data and other attributes inherited from term.Term:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Term' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class BI_notEqualTo(term.LightBuiltIn) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- BI_notEqualTo
- term.LightBuiltIn
- term.GenericBuiltIn
- term.BuiltIn
- term.Fragment
- term.LabelledNode
- term.Node
- term.Term
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- evaluate(self, subject, object)
Methods inherited from term.GenericBuiltIn:
- __init__(self, resource, fragid)
Methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- eval(self, subj, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- This function which has access to the store, unless overridden,
calls a simpler one which uses python conventions.
To reduce confusion, the inital ones called with the internals available
use abreviations "eval", "subj" etc while the python-style ones use
evaluate, subject, etc.
Static methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- __new__(cls, *args, **keywords)
Data and other attributes inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- all = []
Methods inherited from term.Fragment:
- compareTerm(self, other)
- dereference(self, mode='', workingContext=None)
- dereference an identifyer, finding the semantics of its schema if any
Returns None if it cannot be retreived.
- generated(self)
- A generated identifier?
This arises when a document is parsed and a arbitrary
name is made up to represent a node with no known URI.
It is useful to know that its ID has no use outside that
- representation(self, base=None)
- Optimize output if prefixes available
- uriref(self)
- uriref2(self, base)
Methods inherited from term.LabelledNode:
- classOrder(self)
Methods inherited from term.Term:
- __repr__(self)
- This method only used for debugging output - it can be ambiguous,
as it is is deliberately short to make debug printout readable.
output as XML qnames [http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-QName].
This could be beefed up to guarantee unambiguity.
- asPair(self)
- Representation in an earlier format, being phased out 2002/08
The first part of the pair is a constant number represnting the type
see RDFSink.py. the second is the value -- uri for symbols,
string for literals
- compareAnyTerm(self, other)
- Compare two langauge items
This is a cannoncial ordering in that is designed to allow
the same graph always to be printed in the same order.
This makes the regression tests possible.
The literals are deemed smaller than symbols, which are smaller
than formulae. This puts the rules at the botom of a file where
they tend to take a lot of space anyway.
Formulae have to be compared as a function of their sorted contents.
@@ Anonymous nodes have to, within a given Formula, be compared as
a function of the sorted information about them in that context.
This is not done yet
- debugString(self, already=[])
- doesNodeAppear(self, symbol)
- Does that node appear within this one
This non-overloaded function will simply return if I'm equal to him
- freeVariables(self)
- occurringIn(self, vars)
- substituteEquals(self, bindings, newRedirections)
- Return this or a version of me with substitution made
- substitution(self, bindings, why=None, cannon=False)
- Return this or a version of me with subsitution made
- unify(self, other, env1=Env({}), env2=Env({}), vars=set([]), universals=set([]), existentials=set([]), n1Source=32, n2Source=32)
- unifySecondary(self, other, env1, env2, vars, universals, existentials, n1Source=55, n2Source=55)
- value(self)
- As a python value - by default, none exists, use self
Data and other attributes inherited from term.Term:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Term' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class BI_notGreaterThan(term.LightBuiltIn) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- BI_notGreaterThan
- term.LightBuiltIn
- term.GenericBuiltIn
- term.BuiltIn
- term.Fragment
- term.LabelledNode
- term.Node
- term.Term
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- evaluate(self, subject, object)
Methods inherited from term.GenericBuiltIn:
- __init__(self, resource, fragid)
Methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- eval(self, subj, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- This function which has access to the store, unless overridden,
calls a simpler one which uses python conventions.
To reduce confusion, the inital ones called with the internals available
use abreviations "eval", "subj" etc while the python-style ones use
evaluate, subject, etc.
Static methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- __new__(cls, *args, **keywords)
Data and other attributes inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- all = []
Methods inherited from term.Fragment:
- compareTerm(self, other)
- dereference(self, mode='', workingContext=None)
- dereference an identifyer, finding the semantics of its schema if any
Returns None if it cannot be retreived.
- generated(self)
- A generated identifier?
This arises when a document is parsed and a arbitrary
name is made up to represent a node with no known URI.
It is useful to know that its ID has no use outside that
- representation(self, base=None)
- Optimize output if prefixes available
- uriref(self)
- uriref2(self, base)
Methods inherited from term.LabelledNode:
- classOrder(self)
Methods inherited from term.Term:
- __repr__(self)
- This method only used for debugging output - it can be ambiguous,
as it is is deliberately short to make debug printout readable.
output as XML qnames [http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-QName].
This could be beefed up to guarantee unambiguity.
- asPair(self)
- Representation in an earlier format, being phased out 2002/08
The first part of the pair is a constant number represnting the type
see RDFSink.py. the second is the value -- uri for symbols,
string for literals
- compareAnyTerm(self, other)
- Compare two langauge items
This is a cannoncial ordering in that is designed to allow
the same graph always to be printed in the same order.
This makes the regression tests possible.
The literals are deemed smaller than symbols, which are smaller
than formulae. This puts the rules at the botom of a file where
they tend to take a lot of space anyway.
Formulae have to be compared as a function of their sorted contents.
@@ Anonymous nodes have to, within a given Formula, be compared as
a function of the sorted information about them in that context.
This is not done yet
- debugString(self, already=[])
- doesNodeAppear(self, symbol)
- Does that node appear within this one
This non-overloaded function will simply return if I'm equal to him
- freeVariables(self)
- occurringIn(self, vars)
- substituteEquals(self, bindings, newRedirections)
- Return this or a version of me with substitution made
- substitution(self, bindings, why=None, cannon=False)
- Return this or a version of me with subsitution made
- unify(self, other, env1=Env({}), env2=Env({}), vars=set([]), universals=set([]), existentials=set([]), n1Source=32, n2Source=32)
- unifySecondary(self, other, env1, env2, vars, universals, existentials, n1Source=55, n2Source=55)
- value(self)
- As a python value - by default, none exists, use self
Data and other attributes inherited from term.Term:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Term' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class BI_notLessThan(term.LightBuiltIn) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- BI_notLessThan
- term.LightBuiltIn
- term.GenericBuiltIn
- term.BuiltIn
- term.Fragment
- term.LabelledNode
- term.Node
- term.Term
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- evaluate(self, subject, object)
Methods inherited from term.GenericBuiltIn:
- __init__(self, resource, fragid)
Methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- eval(self, subj, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- This function which has access to the store, unless overridden,
calls a simpler one which uses python conventions.
To reduce confusion, the inital ones called with the internals available
use abreviations "eval", "subj" etc while the python-style ones use
evaluate, subject, etc.
Static methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- __new__(cls, *args, **keywords)
Data and other attributes inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- all = []
Methods inherited from term.Fragment:
- compareTerm(self, other)
- dereference(self, mode='', workingContext=None)
- dereference an identifyer, finding the semantics of its schema if any
Returns None if it cannot be retreived.
- generated(self)
- A generated identifier?
This arises when a document is parsed and a arbitrary
name is made up to represent a node with no known URI.
It is useful to know that its ID has no use outside that
- representation(self, base=None)
- Optimize output if prefixes available
- uriref(self)
- uriref2(self, base)
Methods inherited from term.LabelledNode:
- classOrder(self)
Methods inherited from term.Term:
- __repr__(self)
- This method only used for debugging output - it can be ambiguous,
as it is is deliberately short to make debug printout readable.
output as XML qnames [http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-QName].
This could be beefed up to guarantee unambiguity.
- asPair(self)
- Representation in an earlier format, being phased out 2002/08
The first part of the pair is a constant number represnting the type
see RDFSink.py. the second is the value -- uri for symbols,
string for literals
- compareAnyTerm(self, other)
- Compare two langauge items
This is a cannoncial ordering in that is designed to allow
the same graph always to be printed in the same order.
This makes the regression tests possible.
The literals are deemed smaller than symbols, which are smaller
than formulae. This puts the rules at the botom of a file where
they tend to take a lot of space anyway.
Formulae have to be compared as a function of their sorted contents.
@@ Anonymous nodes have to, within a given Formula, be compared as
a function of the sorted information about them in that context.
This is not done yet
- debugString(self, already=[])
- doesNodeAppear(self, symbol)
- Does that node appear within this one
This non-overloaded function will simply return if I'm equal to him
- freeVariables(self)
- occurringIn(self, vars)
- substituteEquals(self, bindings, newRedirections)
- Return this or a version of me with substitution made
- substitution(self, bindings, why=None, cannon=False)
- Return this or a version of me with subsitution made
- unify(self, other, env1=Env({}), env2=Env({}), vars=set([]), universals=set([]), existentials=set([]), n1Source=32, n2Source=32)
- unifySecondary(self, other, env1, env2, vars, universals, existentials, n1Source=55, n2Source=55)
- value(self)
- As a python value - by default, none exists, use self
Data and other attributes inherited from term.Term:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Term' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class BI_product(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- BI_product
- term.LightBuiltIn
- term.GenericBuiltIn
- term.Function
- term.BuiltIn
- term.Fragment
- term.LabelledNode
- term.Node
- term.Term
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- evaluateObject(self, subj_py)
Methods inherited from term.GenericBuiltIn:
- __init__(self, resource, fragid)
Methods inherited from term.Function:
- eval(self, subj, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- evalObj(self, subj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- This function which has access to the store, unless overridden,
calls a simpler one which uses python conventions.
To reduce confusion, the inital ones called with the internals available
use abreviations "eval", "subj" etc while the python-style ones use "evaluate", "subject", etc.
Static methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- __new__(cls, *args, **keywords)
Data and other attributes inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- all = []
Methods inherited from term.Fragment:
- compareTerm(self, other)
- dereference(self, mode='', workingContext=None)
- dereference an identifyer, finding the semantics of its schema if any
Returns None if it cannot be retreived.
- generated(self)
- A generated identifier?
This arises when a document is parsed and a arbitrary
name is made up to represent a node with no known URI.
It is useful to know that its ID has no use outside that
- representation(self, base=None)
- Optimize output if prefixes available
- uriref(self)
- uriref2(self, base)
Methods inherited from term.LabelledNode:
- classOrder(self)
Methods inherited from term.Term:
- __repr__(self)
- This method only used for debugging output - it can be ambiguous,
as it is is deliberately short to make debug printout readable.
output as XML qnames [http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-QName].
This could be beefed up to guarantee unambiguity.
- asPair(self)
- Representation in an earlier format, being phased out 2002/08
The first part of the pair is a constant number represnting the type
see RDFSink.py. the second is the value -- uri for symbols,
string for literals
- compareAnyTerm(self, other)
- Compare two langauge items
This is a cannoncial ordering in that is designed to allow
the same graph always to be printed in the same order.
This makes the regression tests possible.
The literals are deemed smaller than symbols, which are smaller
than formulae. This puts the rules at the botom of a file where
they tend to take a lot of space anyway.
Formulae have to be compared as a function of their sorted contents.
@@ Anonymous nodes have to, within a given Formula, be compared as
a function of the sorted information about them in that context.
This is not done yet
- debugString(self, already=[])
- doesNodeAppear(self, symbol)
- Does that node appear within this one
This non-overloaded function will simply return if I'm equal to him
- freeVariables(self)
- occurringIn(self, vars)
- substituteEquals(self, bindings, newRedirections)
- Return this or a version of me with substitution made
- substitution(self, bindings, why=None, cannon=False)
- Return this or a version of me with subsitution made
- unify(self, other, env1=Env({}), env2=Env({}), vars=set([]), universals=set([]), existentials=set([]), n1Source=32, n2Source=32)
- unifySecondary(self, other, env1, env2, vars, universals, existentials, n1Source=55, n2Source=55)
- value(self)
- As a python value - by default, none exists, use self
Data and other attributes inherited from term.Term:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Term' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class BI_quotient(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- BI_quotient
- term.LightBuiltIn
- term.GenericBuiltIn
- term.Function
- term.BuiltIn
- term.Fragment
- term.LabelledNode
- term.Node
- term.Term
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- evaluateObject(self, subj_py)
Methods inherited from term.GenericBuiltIn:
- __init__(self, resource, fragid)
Methods inherited from term.Function:
- eval(self, subj, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- evalObj(self, subj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- This function which has access to the store, unless overridden,
calls a simpler one which uses python conventions.
To reduce confusion, the inital ones called with the internals available
use abreviations "eval", "subj" etc while the python-style ones use "evaluate", "subject", etc.
Static methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- __new__(cls, *args, **keywords)
Data and other attributes inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- all = []
Methods inherited from term.Fragment:
- compareTerm(self, other)
- dereference(self, mode='', workingContext=None)
- dereference an identifyer, finding the semantics of its schema if any
Returns None if it cannot be retreived.
- generated(self)
- A generated identifier?
This arises when a document is parsed and a arbitrary
name is made up to represent a node with no known URI.
It is useful to know that its ID has no use outside that
- representation(self, base=None)
- Optimize output if prefixes available
- uriref(self)
- uriref2(self, base)
Methods inherited from term.LabelledNode:
- classOrder(self)
Methods inherited from term.Term:
- __repr__(self)
- This method only used for debugging output - it can be ambiguous,
as it is is deliberately short to make debug printout readable.
output as XML qnames [http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-QName].
This could be beefed up to guarantee unambiguity.
- asPair(self)
- Representation in an earlier format, being phased out 2002/08
The first part of the pair is a constant number represnting the type
see RDFSink.py. the second is the value -- uri for symbols,
string for literals
- compareAnyTerm(self, other)
- Compare two langauge items
This is a cannoncial ordering in that is designed to allow
the same graph always to be printed in the same order.
This makes the regression tests possible.
The literals are deemed smaller than symbols, which are smaller
than formulae. This puts the rules at the botom of a file where
they tend to take a lot of space anyway.
Formulae have to be compared as a function of their sorted contents.
@@ Anonymous nodes have to, within a given Formula, be compared as
a function of the sorted information about them in that context.
This is not done yet
- debugString(self, already=[])
- doesNodeAppear(self, symbol)
- Does that node appear within this one
This non-overloaded function will simply return if I'm equal to him
- freeVariables(self)
- occurringIn(self, vars)
- substituteEquals(self, bindings, newRedirections)
- Return this or a version of me with substitution made
- substitution(self, bindings, why=None, cannon=False)
- Return this or a version of me with subsitution made
- unify(self, other, env1=Env({}), env2=Env({}), vars=set([]), universals=set([]), existentials=set([]), n1Source=32, n2Source=32)
- unifySecondary(self, other, env1, env2, vars, universals, existentials, n1Source=55, n2Source=55)
- value(self)
- As a python value - by default, none exists, use self
Data and other attributes inherited from term.Term:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Term' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class BI_quotientOf(term.LightBuiltIn, term.ReverseFunction) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- BI_quotientOf
- term.LightBuiltIn
- term.GenericBuiltIn
- term.ReverseFunction
- term.BuiltIn
- term.Fragment
- term.LabelledNode
- term.Node
- term.Term
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- evaluateSubject(self, obj_py)
Methods inherited from term.GenericBuiltIn:
- __init__(self, resource, fragid)
Methods inherited from term.ReverseFunction:
- eval(self, subj, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- evalSubj(self, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- This function which has access to the store, unless overridden,
calls a simpler one which uses python conventions
Static methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- __new__(cls, *args, **keywords)
Data and other attributes inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- all = []
Methods inherited from term.Fragment:
- compareTerm(self, other)
- dereference(self, mode='', workingContext=None)
- dereference an identifyer, finding the semantics of its schema if any
Returns None if it cannot be retreived.
- generated(self)
- A generated identifier?
This arises when a document is parsed and a arbitrary
name is made up to represent a node with no known URI.
It is useful to know that its ID has no use outside that
- representation(self, base=None)
- Optimize output if prefixes available
- uriref(self)
- uriref2(self, base)
Methods inherited from term.LabelledNode:
- classOrder(self)
Methods inherited from term.Term:
- __repr__(self)
- This method only used for debugging output - it can be ambiguous,
as it is is deliberately short to make debug printout readable.
output as XML qnames [http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-QName].
This could be beefed up to guarantee unambiguity.
- asPair(self)
- Representation in an earlier format, being phased out 2002/08
The first part of the pair is a constant number represnting the type
see RDFSink.py. the second is the value -- uri for symbols,
string for literals
- compareAnyTerm(self, other)
- Compare two langauge items
This is a cannoncial ordering in that is designed to allow
the same graph always to be printed in the same order.
This makes the regression tests possible.
The literals are deemed smaller than symbols, which are smaller
than formulae. This puts the rules at the botom of a file where
they tend to take a lot of space anyway.
Formulae have to be compared as a function of their sorted contents.
@@ Anonymous nodes have to, within a given Formula, be compared as
a function of the sorted information about them in that context.
This is not done yet
- debugString(self, already=[])
- doesNodeAppear(self, symbol)
- Does that node appear within this one
This non-overloaded function will simply return if I'm equal to him
- freeVariables(self)
- occurringIn(self, vars)
- substituteEquals(self, bindings, newRedirections)
- Return this or a version of me with substitution made
- substitution(self, bindings, why=None, cannon=False)
- Return this or a version of me with subsitution made
- unify(self, other, env1=Env({}), env2=Env({}), vars=set([]), universals=set([]), existentials=set([]), n1Source=32, n2Source=32)
- unifySecondary(self, other, env1, env2, vars, universals, existentials, n1Source=55, n2Source=55)
- value(self)
- As a python value - by default, none exists, use self
Data and other attributes inherited from term.Term:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Term' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class BI_remainder(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- BI_remainder
- term.LightBuiltIn
- term.GenericBuiltIn
- term.Function
- term.BuiltIn
- term.Fragment
- term.LabelledNode
- term.Node
- term.Term
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- evaluateObject(self, subj_py)
Methods inherited from term.GenericBuiltIn:
- __init__(self, resource, fragid)
Methods inherited from term.Function:
- eval(self, subj, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- evalObj(self, subj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- This function which has access to the store, unless overridden,
calls a simpler one which uses python conventions.
To reduce confusion, the inital ones called with the internals available
use abreviations "eval", "subj" etc while the python-style ones use "evaluate", "subject", etc.
Static methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- __new__(cls, *args, **keywords)
Data and other attributes inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- all = []
Methods inherited from term.Fragment:
- compareTerm(self, other)
- dereference(self, mode='', workingContext=None)
- dereference an identifyer, finding the semantics of its schema if any
Returns None if it cannot be retreived.
- generated(self)
- A generated identifier?
This arises when a document is parsed and a arbitrary
name is made up to represent a node with no known URI.
It is useful to know that its ID has no use outside that
- representation(self, base=None)
- Optimize output if prefixes available
- uriref(self)
- uriref2(self, base)
Methods inherited from term.LabelledNode:
- classOrder(self)
Methods inherited from term.Term:
- __repr__(self)
- This method only used for debugging output - it can be ambiguous,
as it is is deliberately short to make debug printout readable.
output as XML qnames [http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-QName].
This could be beefed up to guarantee unambiguity.
- asPair(self)
- Representation in an earlier format, being phased out 2002/08
The first part of the pair is a constant number represnting the type
see RDFSink.py. the second is the value -- uri for symbols,
string for literals
- compareAnyTerm(self, other)
- Compare two langauge items
This is a cannoncial ordering in that is designed to allow
the same graph always to be printed in the same order.
This makes the regression tests possible.
The literals are deemed smaller than symbols, which are smaller
than formulae. This puts the rules at the botom of a file where
they tend to take a lot of space anyway.
Formulae have to be compared as a function of their sorted contents.
@@ Anonymous nodes have to, within a given Formula, be compared as
a function of the sorted information about them in that context.
This is not done yet
- debugString(self, already=[])
- doesNodeAppear(self, symbol)
- Does that node appear within this one
This non-overloaded function will simply return if I'm equal to him
- freeVariables(self)
- occurringIn(self, vars)
- substituteEquals(self, bindings, newRedirections)
- Return this or a version of me with substitution made
- substitution(self, bindings, why=None, cannon=False)
- Return this or a version of me with subsitution made
- unify(self, other, env1=Env({}), env2=Env({}), vars=set([]), universals=set([]), existentials=set([]), n1Source=32, n2Source=32)
- unifySecondary(self, other, env1, env2, vars, universals, existentials, n1Source=55, n2Source=55)
- value(self)
- As a python value - by default, none exists, use self
Data and other attributes inherited from term.Term:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Term' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class BI_remainderOf(term.LightBuiltIn, term.ReverseFunction) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- BI_remainderOf
- term.LightBuiltIn
- term.GenericBuiltIn
- term.ReverseFunction
- term.BuiltIn
- term.Fragment
- term.LabelledNode
- term.Node
- term.Term
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- evaluateSubject(self, obj_py)
Methods inherited from term.GenericBuiltIn:
- __init__(self, resource, fragid)
Methods inherited from term.ReverseFunction:
- eval(self, subj, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- evalSubj(self, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- This function which has access to the store, unless overridden,
calls a simpler one which uses python conventions
Static methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- __new__(cls, *args, **keywords)
Data and other attributes inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- all = []
Methods inherited from term.Fragment:
- compareTerm(self, other)
- dereference(self, mode='', workingContext=None)
- dereference an identifyer, finding the semantics of its schema if any
Returns None if it cannot be retreived.
- generated(self)
- A generated identifier?
This arises when a document is parsed and a arbitrary
name is made up to represent a node with no known URI.
It is useful to know that its ID has no use outside that
- representation(self, base=None)
- Optimize output if prefixes available
- uriref(self)
- uriref2(self, base)
Methods inherited from term.LabelledNode:
- classOrder(self)
Methods inherited from term.Term:
- __repr__(self)
- This method only used for debugging output - it can be ambiguous,
as it is is deliberately short to make debug printout readable.
output as XML qnames [http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-QName].
This could be beefed up to guarantee unambiguity.
- asPair(self)
- Representation in an earlier format, being phased out 2002/08
The first part of the pair is a constant number represnting the type
see RDFSink.py. the second is the value -- uri for symbols,
string for literals
- compareAnyTerm(self, other)
- Compare two langauge items
This is a cannoncial ordering in that is designed to allow
the same graph always to be printed in the same order.
This makes the regression tests possible.
The literals are deemed smaller than symbols, which are smaller
than formulae. This puts the rules at the botom of a file where
they tend to take a lot of space anyway.
Formulae have to be compared as a function of their sorted contents.
@@ Anonymous nodes have to, within a given Formula, be compared as
a function of the sorted information about them in that context.
This is not done yet
- debugString(self, already=[])
- doesNodeAppear(self, symbol)
- Does that node appear within this one
This non-overloaded function will simply return if I'm equal to him
- freeVariables(self)
- occurringIn(self, vars)
- substituteEquals(self, bindings, newRedirections)
- Return this or a version of me with substitution made
- substitution(self, bindings, why=None, cannon=False)
- Return this or a version of me with subsitution made
- unify(self, other, env1=Env({}), env2=Env({}), vars=set([]), universals=set([]), existentials=set([]), n1Source=32, n2Source=32)
- unifySecondary(self, other, env1, env2, vars, universals, existentials, n1Source=55, n2Source=55)
- value(self)
- As a python value - by default, none exists, use self
Data and other attributes inherited from term.Term:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Term' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class BI_rounded(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- BI_rounded
- term.LightBuiltIn
- term.GenericBuiltIn
- term.Function
- term.BuiltIn
- term.Fragment
- term.LabelledNode
- term.Node
- term.Term
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- evaluateObject(self, subj_py)
Methods inherited from term.GenericBuiltIn:
- __init__(self, resource, fragid)
Methods inherited from term.Function:
- eval(self, subj, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- evalObj(self, subj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- This function which has access to the store, unless overridden,
calls a simpler one which uses python conventions.
To reduce confusion, the inital ones called with the internals available
use abreviations "eval", "subj" etc while the python-style ones use "evaluate", "subject", etc.
Static methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- __new__(cls, *args, **keywords)
Data and other attributes inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- all = []
Methods inherited from term.Fragment:
- compareTerm(self, other)
- dereference(self, mode='', workingContext=None)
- dereference an identifyer, finding the semantics of its schema if any
Returns None if it cannot be retreived.
- generated(self)
- A generated identifier?
This arises when a document is parsed and a arbitrary
name is made up to represent a node with no known URI.
It is useful to know that its ID has no use outside that
- representation(self, base=None)
- Optimize output if prefixes available
- uriref(self)
- uriref2(self, base)
Methods inherited from term.LabelledNode:
- classOrder(self)
Methods inherited from term.Term:
- __repr__(self)
- This method only used for debugging output - it can be ambiguous,
as it is is deliberately short to make debug printout readable.
output as XML qnames [http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-QName].
This could be beefed up to guarantee unambiguity.
- asPair(self)
- Representation in an earlier format, being phased out 2002/08
The first part of the pair is a constant number represnting the type
see RDFSink.py. the second is the value -- uri for symbols,
string for literals
- compareAnyTerm(self, other)
- Compare two langauge items
This is a cannoncial ordering in that is designed to allow
the same graph always to be printed in the same order.
This makes the regression tests possible.
The literals are deemed smaller than symbols, which are smaller
than formulae. This puts the rules at the botom of a file where
they tend to take a lot of space anyway.
Formulae have to be compared as a function of their sorted contents.
@@ Anonymous nodes have to, within a given Formula, be compared as
a function of the sorted information about them in that context.
This is not done yet
- debugString(self, already=[])
- doesNodeAppear(self, symbol)
- Does that node appear within this one
This non-overloaded function will simply return if I'm equal to him
- freeVariables(self)
- occurringIn(self, vars)
- substituteEquals(self, bindings, newRedirections)
- Return this or a version of me with substitution made
- substitution(self, bindings, why=None, cannon=False)
- Return this or a version of me with subsitution made
- unify(self, other, env1=Env({}), env2=Env({}), vars=set([]), universals=set([]), existentials=set([]), n1Source=32, n2Source=32)
- unifySecondary(self, other, env1, env2, vars, universals, existentials, n1Source=55, n2Source=55)
- value(self)
- As a python value - by default, none exists, use self
Data and other attributes inherited from term.Term:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Term' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class BI_sum(term.LightBuiltIn, term.Function) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- BI_sum
- term.LightBuiltIn
- term.GenericBuiltIn
- term.Function
- term.BuiltIn
- term.Fragment
- term.LabelledNode
- term.Node
- term.Term
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- evaluateObject(self, subj_py)
Methods inherited from term.GenericBuiltIn:
- __init__(self, resource, fragid)
Methods inherited from term.Function:
- eval(self, subj, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- evalObj(self, subj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- This function which has access to the store, unless overridden,
calls a simpler one which uses python conventions.
To reduce confusion, the inital ones called with the internals available
use abreviations "eval", "subj" etc while the python-style ones use "evaluate", "subject", etc.
Static methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- __new__(cls, *args, **keywords)
Data and other attributes inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- all = []
Methods inherited from term.Fragment:
- compareTerm(self, other)
- dereference(self, mode='', workingContext=None)
- dereference an identifyer, finding the semantics of its schema if any
Returns None if it cannot be retreived.
- generated(self)
- A generated identifier?
This arises when a document is parsed and a arbitrary
name is made up to represent a node with no known URI.
It is useful to know that its ID has no use outside that
- representation(self, base=None)
- Optimize output if prefixes available
- uriref(self)
- uriref2(self, base)
Methods inherited from term.LabelledNode:
- classOrder(self)
Methods inherited from term.Term:
- __repr__(self)
- This method only used for debugging output - it can be ambiguous,
as it is is deliberately short to make debug printout readable.
output as XML qnames [http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-QName].
This could be beefed up to guarantee unambiguity.
- asPair(self)
- Representation in an earlier format, being phased out 2002/08
The first part of the pair is a constant number represnting the type
see RDFSink.py. the second is the value -- uri for symbols,
string for literals
- compareAnyTerm(self, other)
- Compare two langauge items
This is a cannoncial ordering in that is designed to allow
the same graph always to be printed in the same order.
This makes the regression tests possible.
The literals are deemed smaller than symbols, which are smaller
than formulae. This puts the rules at the botom of a file where
they tend to take a lot of space anyway.
Formulae have to be compared as a function of their sorted contents.
@@ Anonymous nodes have to, within a given Formula, be compared as
a function of the sorted information about them in that context.
This is not done yet
- debugString(self, already=[])
- doesNodeAppear(self, symbol)
- Does that node appear within this one
This non-overloaded function will simply return if I'm equal to him
- freeVariables(self)
- occurringIn(self, vars)
- substituteEquals(self, bindings, newRedirections)
- Return this or a version of me with substitution made
- substitution(self, bindings, why=None, cannon=False)
- Return this or a version of me with subsitution made
- unify(self, other, env1=Env({}), env2=Env({}), vars=set([]), universals=set([]), existentials=set([]), n1Source=32, n2Source=32)
- unifySecondary(self, other, env1, env2, vars, universals, existentials, n1Source=55, n2Source=55)
- value(self)
- As a python value - by default, none exists, use self
Data and other attributes inherited from term.Term:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Term' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class BI_sumOf(term.LightBuiltIn, term.ReverseFunction) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- BI_sumOf
- term.LightBuiltIn
- term.GenericBuiltIn
- term.ReverseFunction
- term.BuiltIn
- term.Fragment
- term.LabelledNode
- term.Node
- term.Term
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- evaluateSubject(self, obj_py)
Methods inherited from term.GenericBuiltIn:
- __init__(self, resource, fragid)
Methods inherited from term.ReverseFunction:
- eval(self, subj, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- evalSubj(self, obj, queue, bindings, proof, query)
- This function which has access to the store, unless overridden,
calls a simpler one which uses python conventions
Static methods inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- __new__(cls, *args, **keywords)
Data and other attributes inherited from term.BuiltIn:
- all = []
Methods inherited from term.Fragment:
- compareTerm(self, other)
- dereference(self, mode='', workingContext=None)
- dereference an identifyer, finding the semantics of its schema if any
Returns None if it cannot be retreived.
- generated(self)
- A generated identifier?
This arises when a document is parsed and a arbitrary
name is made up to represent a node with no known URI.
It is useful to know that its ID has no use outside that
- representation(self, base=None)
- Optimize output if prefixes available
- uriref(self)
- uriref2(self, base)
Methods inherited from term.LabelledNode:
- classOrder(self)
Methods inherited from term.Term:
- __repr__(self)
- This method only used for debugging output - it can be ambiguous,
as it is is deliberately short to make debug printout readable.
output as XML qnames [http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-QName].
This could be beefed up to guarantee unambiguity.
- asPair(self)
- Representation in an earlier format, being phased out 2002/08
The first part of the pair is a constant number represnting the type
see RDFSink.py. the second is the value -- uri for symbols,
string for literals
- compareAnyTerm(self, other)
- Compare two langauge items
This is a cannoncial ordering in that is designed to allow
the same graph always to be printed in the same order.
This makes the regression tests possible.
The literals are deemed smaller than symbols, which are smaller
than formulae. This puts the rules at the botom of a file where
they tend to take a lot of space anyway.
Formulae have to be compared as a function of their sorted contents.
@@ Anonymous nodes have to, within a given Formula, be compared as
a function of the sorted information about them in that context.
This is not done yet
- debugString(self, already=[])
- doesNodeAppear(self, symbol)
- Does that node appear within this one
This non-overloaded function will simply return if I'm equal to him
- freeVariables(self)
- occurringIn(self, vars)
- substituteEquals(self, bindings, newRedirections)
- Return this or a version of me with substitution made
- substitution(self, bindings, why=None, cannon=False)
- Return this or a version of me with subsitution made
- unify(self, other, env1=Env({}), env2=Env({}), vars=set([]), universals=set([]), existentials=set([]), n1Source=32, n2Source=32)
- unifySecondary(self, other, env1, env2, vars, universals, existentials, n1Source=55, n2Source=55)
- value(self)
- As a python value - by default, none exists, use self
Data and other attributes inherited from term.Term:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Term' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
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