From Semantic Web Standards

R2RML is a language for expressing customized mappings from relational databases to RDF datasets. It is one of the two technologies developed as part of the RDB2RDF work; see the specification for further details.

Tools that are listed as relevant to R2RML

(Note that you can browse tools per tool categories or programming languages, too.)

Last modified and/or added

The description of the following tools have been added and/or modified most recently.

All relevant tools

This is a list of all tools listed on this wiki, and that are marked as relevant to R2RML.

  • Ontop (reasoner, rdfs reasoner, owl reasoner, rdf generator, sparql endpoint, rdb2rdf, converter). Directly usable from Java
  • Ontopic Studio (reasoner, rdfs reasoner, owl reasoner, rdf generator, sparql endpoint, rdb2rdf, converter).
  • OpenLink Virtuoso (reasoner, triple store, rdfs reasoner, owl reasoner, rdf generator, sparql endpoint, rdb2rdf). Directly usable from Java, Python, C, Ruby, Perl, PHP, Javascript, C++, ActionScript, Tcl, Obj-C
  • Oracle Spatial and Graph 19c (reasoner, triple store, owl reasoner). Directly usable from Java
  • Spyder (sparql endpoint, rdb2rdf).