(Redirected from RealEstate)
This is an archived WebSchemas proposal Real Estate schemas for schema.org. See Proposals listing for more. Note: active schema.org development is now based at github
This page discusses real estate related schemas, from the WebSchemas group.
Schema.org doesn't contain vocabulary for real estate for now. There was huge feedback about that in Google Groups and public-vocabs maillist.
TODO: link related work
- GoogleGroups Topic (closed): http://groups.google.com/group/schemaorg-discussion/browse_thread/thread/d6c0839d26401f62/df4c5c9264aa9897
- Maillist: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-vocabs/2011Dec/0009.html
- Tracker Issue: https://www.w3.org/2011/webschema/track/issues/13
Existing Ontologies
- Vocabulary for Yandex.Realty Service
- Description: http://help.yandex.ru/webmaster/?id=1113400 (Russian)
- Example: http://help.yandex.ru/webmaster/?id=1113445
- To find all popular ontologies used if there are any
- To gather solid proposal for futher discussion