AB/Candidate topics for 2019 AC meeting

From W3C Wiki

This was the planning page for the 2019 Spring AC meeting, as part of the ongoing and regular AB/AC Meetings project.

[2019-01-22: Moved to draft AC Meeting agenda]

  • CEO Overview
    • 50 minutes
  • Role of the Director (DS and much of the AB)
    • 45 minutes
  • TAG update (NR working with DA)
    • 30 minutes
  • Diversity programs as recommended by IDCG (LW)
    • 20 minutes
  • Proposed updates to PWE (TS)
    • 30 minutes
  • Privacy (CMN supported by DS)
    • 45 minutes

* Pendulum of incubation v standardization (JJ) ** Are we sliding towards WGs rubber stamp CGs ** What is going on in Open Source ** Candidates: WICG chair, Marcos, dbaron, Manu, Tzviya ** CGs route, WG out of nothing route ** 45 minutes

  • A, B, C's of being an AC rep (JJ)
    • "How do I weigh in on something that I don't understand"
    • How do I get involved with hot topics for the year?
    • Importance of voting
    • 50 minutes
    • Some interesting candidates: Arnaud, Terence, Jory Burson, Katie, Manu, Hyojin Song, Ken Mealey, Satoru Takagi, candidates coming from W3C Japan meeting Friday, Rachel Comerford, Avneesh Singh
  • Patent policy
    • invite DD and PSIG to have a panel with the AC
    • 30 minutes
  • Update on the network level and the implications for W3C (NR supported by Dom, Eric Siow, Dan Druta)
    • 30 minutes
    • Judy to provide some organization implications
  • Web authentication: Webauthn, FIDO, IFAA (JZ, JK) - 45 min
    • Strong Authentication & Identity Workshop update - Tony Nadalin(Microsoft)– 10 Min
    • IFAA&FIDO Progress Judy Zhu – 10 Min
    • DID Process - Manu Sporny(Digital Bazaar)– 10 Min - To be confirmed
    • Web Authentication Progress and Plan - John Fantana (Yubico) – 10 Min
    • Open Discussion
  • Legal Entity (JJ)
    • 60 minutes
  • Lightning talks (LW, TS)
    • W3C Calendar proposal (VL) - 15 minutes
    • 40 minutes total
  • Registries and Evergreen standards (DS)
    • 45 minutes
  • China IG report. The China IG is off to a rapid start with 5 task forces defined at a recent F2F? What are the issues that our Chinese members are seeing that require more attention at the AC level? (JZ, CMN)
    • Sharing results
    • Draft proposal
    • Discussion about how to move forward
    • New WG?
    • 30 minutes
  • AB Panel - talk about specific topics - Should be facilitated - Should also have open topics - could have preassigned responses to certain AB members
    • AC submit questions (two weeks) in advance
    • 90 minutes
  • Redesign of Horizontal Review and i18N update
    • JJ to ask RS and RI to organize
    • Labels and advanced tooling (as per i18N)
    • 30 minutes