UK’s Southbank Centre Unveils Web We Want Festival in celebration of #web25
Yesterday at the Southbank Centre in London, the inventor of the World Wide Web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, helped to unveil plans for a major festival dedicated to the future of the Web. Entitled the Web We Want Festival, this cross-platform arts event will run for eight months, starting in September 2014. This Southbank Centre festival will spearhead the UK arts community contribution to the global Web We Want campaign, which has been launched in 2014 to mark the 25th anniversary of the Web.
At the launch, Sir Tim was joined on stage by Jude Kelly, artistic director of the Southbank Centre. Jude and Tim discussed and debated the future of the Web with an audience of artists, thinkers, makers, media and youth representatives.
Sir Tim said:
“The future of the Web depends on ordinary people discussing it, taking responsibility for it and challenging those who seek to control the Web for their own purposes. The first step is to answer one simple question: what kind of Web do we want? Southbank Centre’s festival will make an important contribution to building – from the ground up – a global, participatory movement where ordinary people can discuss, debate, and have their say. It is vitally important to me and our work at the World Wide Web Foundation that we empower people from all walks of life to shape the future of the Web.”
More information on the Festival is available on the Southbank Centre website and a full press release is here.