#What is the purpose of this workshop?
This workshop is intended to bring together experts to evaluate the current status and explore future directions of visually-rich long-form digital publications based on Web Technologies (particularly CSS, the formatting language of the Web), encompassing both fixed and dynamic layouts. Such “high-design” publications, with complex or sophisticated layout, may be sequential art (Comics, Manga, Bandes Dessinées, etc.), magazines, picture books, cookbooks, educational materials, etc.
Participants in the workshop will:
- Share current practices in creating high-design digital publications.
- Share emerging new-form sequential art presentation experiences such as interstitial interactivity and other presentations that transcend replication of print forms
- Identify mismatches between existing Web technologies and these current practices, helping to inform and guide current standards development work, and potentially to help instigate new work. See the separate Call for Participation for more details on the program, how to participate, etc.