Call for Review: Three SPARQL 1.1 Proposed Recommendations Published

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The SPARQL Working Group has published today a set of three documents, advancing most of SPARQL 1.1 to Proposed Recommendation. This publication completes the set of Proposed Recommendations for SPARQL 1.1, after the first series published in November 2012. Building on the success of SPARQL 1.0, SPARQL 1.1 is a full-featured standard system for working with RDF data, including a query/update language, two HTTP protocols (one full-featured, one using basic HTTP verbs), three result formats, and other features which allow SPARQL endpoints to be combined and work together. Most features of SPARQL 1.1 have already been implemented by a range of SPARQL suppliers, as shown in our table of implementations and test results.

The three Proposed Recommendations published today are:

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