W3C Report on Using Open Data: Policy Modeling, Citizen Empowerment, Data Journalism

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As part of its ongoing commitment to eGovernment and its participation in the EU-funded Crossover Project, W3C ran a very successful workshop last month in Brussels titled Using Open Data: policy modeling, citizen empowerment, data journalism. Today W3C published the Workshop report, which summarizes discussions about the interplay between open government data, citizens and policy makers, challenging certain assumptions sometimes made about open government data.

Several themes emerged from the workshop. For example, social media plays an important route through which governments can access citizen reactions. The combination of open government data and social media data is surely a critical aspect of future policy modeling. Read the full report for more about discussions of the value chain from raw data, through processing and interpretation, to data that is of actual use and interest and that can form the basis of active engagement with citizens. The report links to all papers and slides sets. Read more about W3C's eGovernment Activity.

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