W3C Opens Office in Russia

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W3C announces today the opening of a new Russia Offices, as part of increasing inclusion and participation in W3C. The Office is hosted by the National Research University "Higher School of Economics" (HSE), founded in 1992. As one of Moscow's leading Universities, HSE will work with W3C to strengthen ties to both industry and research in Russia as well as HSE's many international academic and industry partners.

"I am happy to welcome W3C in Russia," said Victor Klintsov, Deputy Director of Institute of Information Technology at HSE and the head of the new Office. "It is very positive to see growing demand for Russian talent not only to be included in one of the most dynamic industries, but also to shape it. Second, it is quite important for Russian specialists to contribute to the most prominent area of Internet development: the Web."

Read more in our press release.

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