W3C Community Groups Growing Source of Web Innovation

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Community and Business Groups

W3C announced today that eight months after the launch of Community Groups to speed Web innovation, more than 1200 people are participating in 80 groups with wide-ranging interests, including mobile profiles, Web games, and big data. "We wanted to encourage richer and more diverse conversations about Web technology at W3C, and we are off to a great start," said Jeff Jaffe, W3C CEO. "A number of design choices (such as the permissive copyright license) have made this an appealing work environment to important stakeholders. The program is young but promising, and will continue to improve as we learn from our community."

The W3C Membership, which convenes next week at its semi-annual meeting, plays a preeminent role both in Community Groups and in turning innovations into interoperable, Royalty-Free Web standards through an open consensus process. Open Web Platform traction has resulted in more than 80 organizations becoming W3C Members in the past year. Read the full press release and testimonials from some new W3C Members and learn more about W3C Community and Business Groups.

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