Report: Current State and Roadmap of Standards for Web Applications on Mobile

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Thumbnail of application platform diagram that appears in report

W3C has published a new edition of Standards for Web Applications on Mobile, an overview of the various technologies developed in W3C that increase the power of Web applications, particularly in the mobile context.

A deliverable of the MobiWebApp project, this sixth edition of the document highlights changes since February 2012, including new deliverables from the charter of the rechartered Web Applications Working Group (packaging format for Web applications, Quota Management, push notifications that can wake a sleeping app, Web Intents, fullscreen and screen-lock APIs), playback of protected content in HTML Working Group via Encrypted Media Extensions, progress on many other specifications, and new links to resources on mobile accessibility.

The next edition of the document is scheduled for August 2012. Learn more about the Web and Mobile Devices.

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