Three Web Apps Specifications Advance to Proposed Recommendation

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The Web Applications Working Group published three Proposed Recommendations today:

  • The 'view-mode' Media Feature, which defines a media feature to match the different visual presentation modes that can be applied to web applications and thereby apply different styling based on these different modes using CSS Media Queries.
  • Widget Packaging and XML Configuration, which standardizes a packaging format and metadata for a class of software known as widgets. Unlike traditional user interface widgets (e.g., buttons, input boxes, toolbars, etc.), widgets as specified in this document are full-fledged client-side applications that are authored using technologies such as HTML and then packaged for distribution.
  • XML Digital Signatures for Widgets, which defines a profile of the XML Signature Syntax and Processing 1.1 specification to allow a widget package to be digitally signed. Authors and distributors can digitally sign a widget as a mechanism to ensure continuity of authorship and distributorship. A user agent, or other validation system, can use a digital signature to verify the data integrity of the files within a widget package and to confirm the signing key(s).

Comments are welcome through 15 September. Learn more about the Rich Web Client Activity.

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