Four Web Applications Drafts Updated

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The Web Applications Working Group today updated several Working Drafts:

  • WebSocket API, which enables full-duplex bidirectional communication between a Web application and a remote host.
  • Indexed Database API, which defines a concrete API that a Web application can use to maintain an indexed database, and, within that database, to perform advanced key-value data management with in-order retrieval of keys, efficient searching over values, and storage of duplicate values for a key.
  • Two publications that build on the the File API specification, which provides an API for representing file objects in web applications, as well as programmatically selecting them and accessing their data. The first published today is File API: Writer, which defines an API for writing to files from web applications. The second is The File API: Directories and System, which defines an API to navigate file system hierarchies, and defines sandboxed sections of a user's local filesystem to web applications, for secure local storage.

Learn more about the Rich Web Client Activity.

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