Continuing Global Conversation on Key Issues in Web & TV Convergence: Third Workshop on Web and TV Scheduled

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W3C announces the third in a series of Workshops on the Web and TV. The Third W3C Web and TV Workshop takes place in Hollywood, California, USA, 19-20 September 2011, hosted by Comcast Cable. In the previous two workshops (Tokyo Workshop and Berlin Workshop), participants identified opportunities for convergence of Web and TV infrastructure and began identifying technical challenges. This third workshop will continue these efforts, with a particular focus on the needs of content creators and distributors. Additionally, there will be an opportunity to discuss and debate some of the initial requirements arising in the Web and TV Interest Group that began its work in February 2011. Anyone may participate in this Workshop; a Position Paper is required from a presenter while a Statement of Interest is required from an observer. Both Position Papers and Statements of Interest are due 15 August 2011. Please see the Call for Participation for further details.

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