Call for Prior Art Related to US Patent 7,743,336 and US Patent Application 20070101146

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This is a public call for prior art on patent Application No. 11/432,295 and on Patent 7,743,336. The W3C seeks information about access control systems available before October 2005 and content distribution systems before April 2006 that offer a viable solution that may apply to the use of access requests policy in Widgets. People who wish to provide feedback should refer to the call for prior art for more information. On 13 November 2009, pursuant to its rights under W3C's Patent Policy, Apple, Inc. disclosed US Published Patent Application No. 11/432,295 and US Published Patent Application 11/409,276 and claimed that it applies to the Web Applications WG's Widget Access Request Policy specification. Apple excluded all claims from the W3C Royalty-Free License commitment of the W3C Patent Policy given by Participants of the Web Applications Working Group. In accordance with the exception procedures of the Patent Policy, W3C launched a Patent Advisory Group (PAG) to determine possible solutions. The PAG has advised W3C to issue this call for prior art.

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