Last Call: Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) Working Draft

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The Protocols and Formats Working Group (PFWG) has published a Last Call Working Draft of WAI-ARIA, the Accessible Rich Internet Applications technical specification for making dynamic, interactive Web content accessible to people with disabilities. The PFWG also published updated Working Drafts of the WAI-ARIA User Agent Implementation Guide that provides guidance on how browsers and other user agents should expose WAI-ARIA features to platform accessibility APIs; WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices that describes how Web content developers can develop accessible rich Web applications using WAI-ARIA; and WAI-ARIA Primer that provides a technical introduction.

These WAI-ARIA documents are introduced in the WAI-ARIA Overview. Comments are welcome through 29 October 2010. Read the WAI-ARIA review announcement for details, and about the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).

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