W3C Organizes Workshop on using Ink in Multimodal Applications

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W3C invites people to participate in a Workshop on using Ink in Multimodal Applications within the W3C's Multimodal Architecture and Interfaces on 10-11 July 2009 in Grand Bend, Ontario (Canada), hosted by the University of Western Ontario. The goal of the Workshop is to help the Multimodal Interaction Working Group integrate handwriting modality components (Ink Modality Components) into the MMI Architecture and clarify what should be added to the Multimodal specifications to enable applications to adapt to various modality combinations including Ink. Attendees will discuss requirements for changes, extensions and additions to Ink standards especially in Multimodal Applications developed based on the W3C's MMI Architecture as a means of making InkML more useful in current and emerging markets. Position papers are due 1 June 2009. Read about the Ink Markup Language (InkML) and W3C's Multimodal Interaction Activity.

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