Online Training Course: An Introduction to W3C's Mobile Web Best Practices (Sep to Nov 2009)

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W3C announces today the next edition of its successful online course to introduce Web developers and designers to its Mobile Web Best Practices. The next session runs from 7 September to 9 November 2009. W3C received very positive reviews from participants who attended the previous session, including:

  • "Every web developer should at least know the basics of mobile web development. So this is the course to take."
  • "The best starting point possible!"
  • "[The] tutor and student forum to discuss ideas or problems throughout the course was invaluable."

W3C invites you to join the next session, where you will:

  • learn about the specific promises and challenges of the mobile platform
  • learn how to use W3C's Mobile Web Best Practices to design mobile-friendly Web content and to adapt existing content for mobile
  • discover the relevant W3C resources for mobile Web design

Participants have access to lectures and assignments that provide hands-on practical experience of using W3C's Mobile Web Best Practices. Participants will work with both W3C experts on this topic (the instructors) and peers who can share experiences about the real-world challenges of mobile Web design. More information is available about the course material (including a free sample), registration fee, and intended audience. Learn more about the Mobile Web Initiative.

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