Learn Mobile Web Design With W3C MWI Experts (Course Begins 12 October)

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The third and possibly final run of the successful online training course An Introduction to W3C Mobile Web Best Practices is due to start on Monday, 12 October. Participants work at their own pace at times to suit them throughout the 9-week course. The program is well-suited to developers with experience of desktop design and production who wish to apply their HTML and CSS skills to the mobile environment. A mixture of lectures and assignments provide hands-on practical experience in using W3C's Mobile Web Best Practices. Participants will work with both W3C instructors and peers who can share experiences about the real-world challenges of mobile Web design.

Comments from previous participants include:

  • "Great course! I really enjoyed it. Found it challenging at times but never felt I was on my own. The forum was an essential element to making me feel part of a community. Kudos!"
  • "Thanks for the cool course. I learned a lot."
  • "El contenido del curso es excelente, valoro el interes que le prestan a todos los estudiantes y a los temas de los foros."

More information (including a free sample) is available about the course material, registration fee, and intended audience. Learn more about the Mobile Web Initiative.

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