Exploring Richer Web Content Authoring with CSS and SVG: Five First Public Drafts

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The CSS and SVG Working Groups delivered today five new specifications for public review, aimed at enabling more compelling content creation with open Web technologies. The five drafts are: SVG Transforms 1.0, Part 2: Language, CSS 2D Transforms Module Level 3, CSS 3D Transforms Module Level 3, CSS Animations Module Level 3, and CSS Transitions Module Level 3. SVG Transforms allows two-dimensional objects to be transformed using three-dimensional transformations. CSS 2D Transforms allows elements rendered by CSS to be transformed in two-dimensional space. CSS 3D Transforms extends CSS Transforms to allow elements rendered by CSS to be transformed in three-dimensional space. CSS Animations allow an author to modify CSS property values over time. CSS Transitions allows property changes in CSS values to occur smoothly over a specified duration. The groups are working closely together to make implementing and authoring these features easy and consistent across Web languages. Learn more about the Style Activity and Graphics Activity.

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