Workshop on Distributed Web Applications

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Dave Raggett and Kevin Smith, Workshop co-Chairs

The W3C Workshop on Declarative Models of Distributed Web Applications is underway 5-6 June in Dublin, Ireland. "Attendees will discuss how developers can focus on applications and end-user experience, leaving the details for how they are to be realized to tools that deal with the capabilities and shortcomings of each device," said Dave Raggett, W3C Fellow. Declarative techniques promise to reduce the cost of building Web applications for home, office and mobile environments. The Workshop is looking at the role of XML and Semantic Web technologies in achieving that goal, along with the challenges for dealing with security and privacy. The Workshop is hosted by MobileAware with the support of the Irish State Development Agency, Enterprise Ireland. Read the press release, about W3C Workshops and about the Ubiquitous Web.

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