Web Experts Gather for Fundamentos Web 2007

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photo of Fundamentos Web and TimBL video link

The W3C Spain Office is pleased to present noted Web standards experts at the third edition of Fundamentos Web 2007 (Web Foundations 2007) on 3-5 October in Gijón, Asturias, Spain. Presenters include Arthur Barstow (Nokia), Dan Brickley (Joost), Tantek Çelik (Tantek.com), Fernando Claver (PC ACTUAL), Hannah Donovan (Last.fm), Jeremy Keith (Clearleft), Eduardo Manchón Aguilar (Panoramio), Matt May (Adobe), Charles McCathieNevile (Opera), Ismael Nafría (Prisacom), George Oates (Yahoo!), Allan Sandfeld (Change Networks), Mike Schroepfer (Mozilla), Doug Stamper (Microsoft), Jeffrey Veen (Google) and Tim Berners-Lee (by video link), Bert Bos and Rigo Wenning (W3C).

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