SVG 1.2 Primers, Language and Filters: Working Drafts

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The SVG Working Group published five Working Drafts for version 1.2 of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), three extending the language to add raster effects like drop shadows. First Public Working Drafts include SVG Filter Requirements, Primer and Language. Previously part of SVG 1.1 but published here as an independent module, SVG Filters are used to process images before they are displayed. These filter effects are defined in XML for SVG and can be used in other environments such as HTML styled with CSS, or XSL:FO. Updated Working Drafts, SVG Print 1.2 Primer and Language extend the language for multiple page and color management support. SVG provides interactive vector graphics, text, images, animation and graphical applications in XML. Visit the SVG home page.

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