Quality Assurance Activity Completes Its Work, QA Becomes the Q&A Weblog
We thank the thousands of people who participated in the QA Activity which has completed its work and closed as of 18 October 2007. However, we anticipate further developing the dialog with the community; we welcome your comments on the Q&A Weblog. W3C will continue to maintain and develop tools, the most popular resources on w3.org. We congratulate and thank Daniel Dardailler, Dominique Hazaël-Massieux and Karl Dubost of W3C who led the Activity, Lofton Henderson (OASIS), Lynne Rosenthal (NIST), Patrick Curran (Sun Microsystems), and Karl Dubost and Olivier Théreaux (W3C) who served as Chairs. Read the QA Activity Statement and visit the Q&A Weblog.