W3C Team Talks in October

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Browse upcoming W3C appearances and events.

  • 8 October - Janet Daly, Hugo Haas, and Joseph Reagle speak at W3C Day at the Evolve 2002 conference in Sydney, Australia.
  • 8 October - Charles McCathieNevile speaks at the Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs in Rabat, Morocco.
  • 11 October - Daniel Dardailler, Marie-Claire Forgue, Ivan Herman, Yves Lafon, and Marja-Riitta Koivunen present at the W3C Finnish Office Opening Event in Tampere, Finland.
  • 16 October - Ivan Herman speaks at a W3C Office in Germany and Austria event in Sankt Augustin, Germany.
  • 16 October - Eric Miller gives the keynote and a tutorial at the DC-2002 Dublin Core conference in Florence, Italy.
  • 16-17 October - Dan Brickley, Charles McCathieNevile, Eric Miller, and partners from SWAD-E give workshops at DC-2002.
  • 24 October - Charles McCathieNevile speaks at Las VI Jornadas del SIDAR in Tenerife, Spain.
  • 24-25 October - Steven Pemberton gives a keynote at the ERCIM workshop User Interfaces for All in Paris, France.
  • 27 October - Daniel Dardailler speaks at the Middle East Webmaster Forum in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
  • 30 October - Charles McCathieNevile presents at the Maturity Matters conference in Perth, Australia.

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