W3C Team Presentations in June

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Charles McCathieNevile and Marja-Riitta Koivunen present Accessible Graphics and Multimedia in the Web at the 7th Annual Human Factors and the Web Conference in Madison, Wisconsin, USA on 4 June. Massimo Marchiori co-chairs and speaks at Financial Protocols 2001 being held 14-15 June in London, UK, where he presents XML and the Foundation Layer. Ivan Herman presents Understanding the Major W3C XML Standards at the Workshop on XML for Financial Services in Stockholm, Sweden on 18 June. Philipp Hoschka presents Les différentes spécifications d'XML at the XML pour les services financiers conference to be held in Paris, France on 25-27 June. Charles McCathieNevile will co-present a Semantic Web class at CWI in The Hague, the Netherlands on 27 June. Massimo Marchiori presents Data on the Web: A W3C Perspective at SEBD 2001 to be held in Venice, Italy on 27-29 June. Browse W3C Team talks and presentations.

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