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<audio> Element
An <audio> element represents a sound or an audio stream.
HTML reference
This element was introduced in HTML5 - 4.8.7 The audio element.
An audio, using the user agent default set of controls, with one source [try it]:
<audio controls src="http://media.w3.org/2010/07/bunny/04-Death_Becomes_Fur.oga"> Your user agent does not support the HTML5 Audio element. </audio>
An audio, using the user agent default set of controls, with alternative sources [try it]:
<audio controls> <source src="http://media.w3.org/2010/07/bunny/04-Death_Becomes_Fur.mp4" type='audio/mp4'> <source src="http://media.w3.org/2010/07/bunny/04-Death_Becomes_Fur.oga" type='audio/ogg; codecs=vorbis'> <p>Your user agent does not support the HTML5 Audio element.</p> </audio>
An audio, with its own HTML control [try it]:
<audio id="myAudio" <source src="http://media.w3.org/2010/07/bunny/04-Death_Becomes_Fur.mp4" type='audio/mp4'> <source src="http://media.w3.org/2010/07/bunny/04-Death_Becomes_Fur.oga" type='audio/ogg; codecs=vorbis'> Your user agent does not support the HTML5 Audio element. </audio> <button type="button" onclick="aud_play_pause()">Play/Pause</button> <script> function aud_play_pause() { var myAudio = document.getElementById("myAudio"); if (myAudio.paused) { myAudio.play(); } else { myAudio.pause(); } } </script>
HTML Attributes
= "autoplay" or "" (empty string) or empty
Instructs the UA to automatically begin playback of the audio stream as soon as it can do so without stopping. -
= "none" or "metadata" or "auto" or "" (empty string) or empty
Represents a hint to the UA about whether optimistic downloading of the audio stream itself or its metadata is considered worthwhile.- "none": Hints to the UA that the user is not expected to need the video, or that minimizing unnecessary traffic is desirable.
- "metadata": Hints to the UA that the user is not expected to need the audio stream, but that fetching its metadata (duration and so on) is desirable.
- "auto": Hints to the UA that optimistically downloading the entire audio stream is considered desirable.
Specifying the empty string is equivalent to specifying the value "auto".
= "controls" or "" (empty string) or empty
Instructs the UA to expose a user interface for controlling playback of the audio stream. -
= "loop" or "" (empty string) or empty
Instructs the UA to seek back to the start of the audio stream upon reaching the end. -
= URL potentially surrounded by spaces
The URL for the audio stream.
See also global attributes.
IDL Attributes and Methods
The following IDL attributes and methods are exposed to dynamic scripts.
// error state readonly attribute MediaError error; // network state attribute DOMString src; readonly attribute DOMString currentSrc; const unsigned short NETWORK_EMPTY = 0; const unsigned short NETWORK_IDLE = 1; const unsigned short NETWORK_LOADING = 2; const unsigned short NETWORK_NO_SOURCE = 3; readonly attribute unsigned short networkState; attribute DOMString preload; readonly attribute TimeRanges buffered; void load(); DOMString canPlayType(in DOMString type); // ready state const unsigned short HAVE_NOTHING = 0; const unsigned short HAVE_METADATA = 1; const unsigned short HAVE_CURRENT_DATA = 2; const unsigned short HAVE_FUTURE_DATA = 3; const unsigned short HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA = 4; readonly attribute unsigned short readyState; readonly attribute boolean seeking; // playback state attribute float currentTime; readonly attribute float startTime; readonly attribute float duration; readonly attribute boolean paused; attribute float defaultPlaybackRate; attribute float playbackRate; readonly attribute TimeRanges played; readonly attribute TimeRanges seekable; readonly attribute boolean ended; attribute boolean autoplay; attribute boolean loop; void play(); void pause(); // controls attribute boolean controls; attribute float volume; attribute boolean muted;
Media Events
Event name | Dispatched when... |
The user agent begins looking for media data, as part of the resource selection algorithm. |
The user agent is fetching media data. |
The user agent is intentionally not currently fetching media data, but does not have the entire media resource downloaded. |
The user agent stops fetching the media data before it is completely downloaded, but not due to an error. |
An error occurs while fetching the media data. |
A media element whose networkState was previously not in the NETWORK_EMPTY state has just switched to that state (either because of a fatal error during load that's about to be reported, or because the load() method was invoked while the resource selection algorithm was already running).
The user agent is trying to fetch media data, but data is unexpectedly not forthcoming. |
Playback has begun. Fired after the play() method has returned, or when the autoplay attribute has caused playback to begin.
Playback has been paused. Fired after the pause() method has returned.
The user agent has just determined the duration and dimensions of the media resource |
The user agent can render the media data at the current playback position for the first time. |
Playback has stopped because the next frame is not available, but the user agent expects that frame to become available in due course. |
Playback has started. |
The user agent can resume playback of the media data, but estimates that if playback were to be started now, the media resource could not be rendered at the current playback rate up to its end without having to stop for further buffering of content. |
The user agent estimates that if playback were to be started now, the media resource could be rendered at the current playback rate all the way to its end without having to stop for further buffering. |
The seeking IDL attribute changed to true and the seek operation is taking long enough that the user agent has time to fire the event.
The seeking IDL attribute changed to false.
The current playback position changed as part of normal playback or in an especially interesting way, for example discontinuously. |
Playback has stopped because the end of the media resource was reached. |
Either the defaultPlaybackRate or the playbackRate attribute has just been updated.
The duration attribute has just been updated.
Either the volume attribute or the muted attribute has changed. Fired after the relevant attribute's setter has returned.
Authors should ensure that the information and user interface components must be presentable to users in ways they can perceive (WCAG 2.0 - Principle 1: Perceivable). This includes providing alternatives for time-based media Guideline 1.2.
Work in still in progress proper technical support in HTML5.
Formats and Codecs
The HTML5 specification does not require a specific audio codec to be supported by all user agents due to unclear licensing rights or rights that are not consistent with the W3C Royalty-free license. Thus, one need to provide alternate sources to ensure proper experience in the existing user agents. Using Ogg/Vorbis and MP4/AAC seems to cover most of the cases out there (if not all). See the wikipedia Audio format support.