
  • The (historical) Web Applications Working Group was closed on 10 December 2015.

(historical) Web Applications Working Group - IPR

Specifications published by the Group

The following is the list of specifications produced by the (historical) Web Applications Working Group that have associated disclosures obligations, and possible licensing obligations under the W3C Patent Policy.

Document under the W3C Patent Policy Patent Disclosure Patent Exclusion
Element Traversal Specification disclose exclude
WebIDL Level 1 disclose exclude
Access Control for Cross-Site Requests disclose exclude
Selectors API Level 1 disclose exclude
Packaged Web Apps (Widgets) - Packaging and XML Configuration (Second Edition) disclose exclude
Widget Interface disclose exclude
XML Digital Signatures for Widgets disclose exclude
UI Events disclose exclude
File API disclose exclude
Indexed Database API disclose exclude
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing disclose exclude
Server-Sent Events disclose exclude
Web Storage (Second Edition) disclose exclude
Widget Access Request Policy disclose exclude
The 'view-mode' Media Feature disclose exclude
W3C DOM4 disclose exclude
Progress Events disclose exclude
HTML5 Web Messaging disclose exclude
Clipboard API and events disclose exclude
DOM Parsing and Serialization disclose exclude
Gamepad disclose exclude
Pointer Lock disclose exclude
Push API disclose exclude
Screen Orientation disclose exclude
HTML Imports disclose exclude
UI Events disclose exclude
Web Application Manifest disclose exclude
Service Workers disclose exclude
UI Events KeyboardEvent code Values disclose exclude
UI Events KeyboardEvent key Values disclose exclude
Selection API disclose exclude
Document not/no longer under the W3C Patent Policy Patent Disclosure Patent Exclusion
XMLHttpRequest Level 2 disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Requirement For Standardizing Widgets disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Widget Updates disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Programmable HTTP Caching and Serving disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
XMLHttpRequest Level 1 disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Web SQL Database disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
The WebSocket API disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Widget URI scheme disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Web Workers disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Uniform Messaging Policy, Level One disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
File API: Directories and System disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
File API: Writer disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Selectors API Level 2 disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
The From-Origin Header disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
XMLHttpRequest disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
XBL 2.0 disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Java language binding for Web IDL disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Introduction to Web Components disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Fullscreen disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Input Method Editor API disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Quota Management API disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Shadow DOM disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
URL disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Web Intents disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Web Intents Addendum - Local Services disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Custom Elements disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
HTML Templates disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Streams API disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Packaging on the Web disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)

Patent Disclosures and Claim Exclusions

This section summarizes patent disclosures by participants in W3C's (historical) Web Applications Working Group as required by section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.

W3C takes no position regarding either:

  • the validity or scope of any intellectual property right or other rights that might be claimed to pertain to the implementation or use of the technology, or
  • the extent to which any license under such rights might or might not be available from those not participating in this group.

Where disclosure is required by a W3C Member, the AC Representative makes the disclosure.

Anyone else may also make a disclosure.

Known Disclosures

Disclosures made of claims believed to be essential for the implementation of Widget Updates
Disclosures for Widget Updates Licensing Notes
Issued patent '5,764,992' (U.S.) held by Apple Inc. disclosed on 2009-03-05
Disclosures made of claims believed to be essential for the implementation of Widget Access Request Policy
Disclosures for Widget Access Request Policy Licensing Notes
Laid-open/published patent application #US Published Patent Application No. 11/432,295 and US Published Patent Application 11/409,276 (US) held by Apple Inc. disclosed on 2009-11-13
Laid-open/published patent application #US-20070101433 and US 20070101146 (US) held by Apple Inc. disclosed on 2009-11-14
Disclosures made of claims believed to be essential for the implementation of Push API
Disclosures for Push API Licensing Notes
Issued patent 'US 6188909 ' (US + all equivalent foreign counterparts) held by Nokia Corporation disclosed on 2013-02-13 Claims excluded from Royalty-Free commitment: All claims excluded Push API PAG Report
Issued patent 'EP 0882375' (Europe + all equivalent foreign counterparts) held by Nokia Corporation disclosed on 2013-02-13 Claims excluded from Royalty-Free commitment: All claims excluded Push API PAG Report
Issued patent 'EP 1439723' (Europe + all equivalent foreign counterparts) held by Nokia Corporation disclosed on 2013-02-13 Claims excluded from Royalty-Free commitment: All claims excluded Push API PAG Report
Issued patent 'US 7366529' (US + all equivalent foreign counterparts) held by Nokia Corporation disclosed on 2013-02-13 Claims excluded from Royalty-Free commitment: All claims excluded Push API PAG Report
Issued patent 'EP 1322072 ' (Europe + all equivalent foreign counterparts) held by Nokia Corporation disclosed on 2013-02-13 Claims excluded from Royalty-Free commitment: All claims excluded Push API PAG Report
Issued patent 'US 6292668' (US + all equivalent foreign counterparts) held by Nokia Corporation disclosed on 2013-02-13 Claims excluded from Royalty-Free commitment: All claims excluded Push API PAG Report
Issued patent 'EP 1581016' (Europe + all equivalent foreign counterparts) held by Nokia Corporation disclosed on 2013-02-13 Claims excluded from Royalty-Free commitment: All claims excluded Push API PAG Report
Issued patent 'JP 3917596' (Japan + all equivalent foreign counterparts) held by Nokia Corporation disclosed on 2013-02-13 Claims excluded from Royalty-Free commitment: All claims excluded Push API PAG Report
Issued patent 'US 7079517' (US + all equivalent foreign counterparts) held by Nokia Corporation disclosed on 2013-02-13 Claims excluded from Royalty-Free commitment: All claims excluded Push API PAG Report
Disclosures made of claims believed to be essential for the implementation of Shadow DOM
Disclosures for Shadow DOM Licensing Notes
Issued patent 'FR2962237' (Institut national de la propriété industrielle) disclosed on 2017-11-01
Disclosures made of claims believed to be essential for the implementation of Custom Elements
Disclosures for Custom Elements Licensing Notes
Issued patent 'FR2962237' (Institut national de la propriété industrielle) disclosed on 2017-11-01
Disclosures made of claims believed to be essential for the implementation of HTML Imports
Disclosures for HTML Imports Licensing Notes
Issued patent 'FR2962237' (Institut national de la propriété industrielle) disclosed on 2017-11-01 No Patent Policy Obligations PAG report

How to Make a Patent Disclosure

W3C Members and Invited Experts (including those not participating in this group) wishing to disclose a patent for any specification produced by the (historical) Web Applications Working Group should use the (historical) Web Applications Working Group patent disclosure form.

Disclosures from the general public should be sent to the W3C Staff.

For specifications developed under the W3C Patent Policy, parties that commit to the W3C Royalty-Free Licensing Terms are not required to disclose patents. Any party (not just the Working Group Participants) may commit to the W3C Royalty-Free Licensing Terms and may do so by following the instructions in the next section.

Claim Exclusions

Only (historical) Web Applications Working Group participants may exclude patent claims concerning specifications developed under the W3C Patent Policy, per section 4 of the W3C Patent Policy. To make an exclusion, participants should use the (historical) Web Applications Working Group patent claim exclusion form, but only after first disclosing the patent.

Exclusion Opportunities

The Patent Policy FAQ provides detailed information about exclusion opportunities, that is, when a Working Group Participant can exclude a patent claim.

Each exclusion opportunity has a duration. See section 4.1 of the W3C Patent Policy for information on how the exclusion deadline is calculated.

At each exclusion opportunity, Participants may exclude patent claims with respect to a body of text. The Exclusion Draft is the reference body of text for the current exclusion opportunity.

Note: At each new exclusion opportunity (e.g., in the case of a second Candidate Recommendation Snapshot), exclusions are only with respect to differences since the previous reference body of text. These differences may be less than an entire document, and the summary below does not address that granularity. Also, in some edge cases (discussed in the FAQ), Participants, depending on when they joined the Working Group, will have different Exclusion Drafts; the summary below does not reflect this case.

Exclusion Opportunities

No current exclusion opportunities.

View previous exclusion opportunities

Web Storage (Second Edition)
Call for exclusion started on 2015-06-10, opportunity until 2015-08-09
Packaging on the Web
Call for exclusion started on 2015-01-16, opportunity until 2015-06-15
Selection API
Call for exclusion started on 2014-10-07, opportunity until 2015-03-06
DOM Level 3 KeyboardEvent code Values
Call for exclusion started on 2014-06-12, opportunity until 2014-11-09
DOM Level 3 KeyboardEvent key Values
Call for exclusion started on 2014-06-12, opportunity until 2014-11-09
Service Workers
Call for exclusion started on 2014-05-13, opportunity until 2014-10-10
DOM Parsing and Serialization
Call for exclusion started on 2014-05-01, opportunity until 2014-06-30
Manifest for web apps and bookmarks
Call for exclusion started on 2013-12-17, opportunity until 2014-05-16
DOM Parsing and Serialization
Call for exclusion started on 2013-12-10, opportunity until 2014-02-08
Pointer Lock
Call for exclusion started on 2013-10-31, opportunity until 2013-12-30
Custom Elements
Call for exclusion started on 2013-10-24, opportunity until 2013-12-23
UI Events
Call for exclusion started on 2013-07-25, opportunity until 2013-12-22
File API
Call for exclusion started on 2013-09-13, opportunity until 2013-11-12
Custom Elements
Call for exclusion started on 2013-05-14, opportunity until 2013-10-11
HTML Imports
Call for exclusion started on 2013-05-14, opportunity until 2013-10-11
Indexed Database API
Call for exclusion started on 2013-05-16, opportunity until 2013-07-15
HTML Templates
Call for exclusion started on 2013-02-14, opportunity until 2013-07-14
Streams API
Call for exclusion started on 2013-02-14, opportunity until 2013-07-14
Push API
Call for exclusion started on 2012-10-18, opportunity until 2013-03-17
Web Intents Addendum - Local Services
Call for exclusion started on 2012-10-04, opportunity until 2013-03-03
DOM Parsing and Serialization
Call for exclusion started on 2012-09-20, opportunity until 2013-02-17
Server-Sent Events
Call for exclusion started on 2012-10-23, opportunity until 2012-12-22
Call for exclusion started on 2012-07-03, opportunity until 2012-11-30
Quota Management API
Call for exclusion started on 2012-07-03, opportunity until 2012-11-30
Web Intents
Call for exclusion started on 2012-07-02, opportunity until 2012-11-29
Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Events Specification
Call for exclusion started on 2012-09-06, opportunity until 2012-11-05
Call for exclusion started on 2012-05-29, opportunity until 2012-10-26
Pointer Lock
Call for exclusion started on 2012-05-29, opportunity until 2012-10-26
Input Method Editor API
Call for exclusion started on 2012-05-24, opportunity until 2012-10-21
Call for exclusion started on 2012-05-24, opportunity until 2012-10-21
Introduction to Web Components
Call for exclusion started on 2012-05-22, opportunity until 2012-10-19
The Screen Orientation API
Call for exclusion started on 2012-05-22, opportunity until 2012-10-19
Shadow DOM
Call for exclusion started on 2012-05-22, opportunity until 2012-10-19
The WebSocket API
Call for exclusion started on 2012-08-09, opportunity until 2012-10-08
Selectors API Level 1
Call for exclusion started on 2012-07-02, opportunity until 2012-08-31
The WebSocket API
Call for exclusion started on 2012-05-24, opportunity until 2012-07-23
Indexed Database API
Call for exclusion started on 2012-05-24, opportunity until 2012-07-23
Java language binding for Web IDL
Call for exclusion started on 2012-02-08, opportunity until 2012-07-07
Server-Sent Events
Call for exclusion started on 2012-04-26, opportunity until 2012-06-25
Widget Updates
Call for exclusion started on 2012-03-22, opportunity until 2012-05-21
Web Workers
Call for exclusion started on 2012-03-13, opportunity until 2012-05-12
HTML5 Web Messaging
Call for exclusion started on 2012-03-13, opportunity until 2012-05-12
Call for exclusion started on 2012-02-08, opportunity until 2012-04-08
The From-Origin Header
Call for exclusion started on 2011-09-12, opportunity until 2012-02-09
Web Storage
Call for exclusion started on 2011-10-25, opportunity until 2011-12-24
The WebSocket API
Call for exclusion started on 2011-09-29, opportunity until 2011-11-28
Call for exclusion started on 2011-09-27, opportunity until 2011-11-26
Progress Events
Call for exclusion started on 2011-09-12, opportunity until 2011-11-11
Web Storage
Call for exclusion started on 2011-09-12, opportunity until 2011-11-11
Web Workers
Call for exclusion started on 2011-09-12, opportunity until 2011-11-11
Widget Packaging and XML Configuration
Call for exclusion started on 2011-06-07, opportunity until 2011-08-06
XML Digital Signatures for Widgets
Call for exclusion started on 2011-06-07, opportunity until 2011-08-06
Widget Interface
Call for exclusion started on 2011-06-07, opportunity until 2011-08-06
Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Events Specification
Call for exclusion started on 2011-05-31, opportunity until 2011-07-30
Widget Packaging and Configuration
Call for exclusion started on 2011-03-22, opportunity until 2011-05-21
HTML5 Web Messaging
Call for exclusion started on 2011-03-17, opportunity until 2011-05-16
Progress Events
Call for exclusion started on 2011-03-10, opportunity until 2011-05-09
Server-Sent Events
Call for exclusion started on 2011-03-10, opportunity until 2011-05-09
Web Workers
Call for exclusion started on 2011-03-10, opportunity until 2011-05-09
HTML5 Web Messaging
Call for exclusion started on 2010-11-19, opportunity until 2011-04-18
File API: Directories and System
Call for exclusion started on 2010-10-26, opportunity until 2011-03-25
Web DOM Core
Call for exclusion started on 2010-10-07, opportunity until 2011-03-06
Widget Packaging and Configuration
Call for exclusion started on 2010-10-05, opportunity until 2010-12-04
The Widget Interface
Call for exclusion started on 2010-09-07, opportunity until 2010-11-06
Digital Signatures for Widgets
Call for exclusion started on 2010-05-11, opportunity until 2010-07-10
Uniform Messaging Policy, Level One
Call for exclusion started on 2010-01-26, opportunity until 2010-06-25
View Mode Media Feature
Call for exclusion started on 2010-04-20, opportunity until 2010-06-19
Selectors API Level 2
Call for exclusion started on 2010-01-19, opportunity until 2010-06-18
Digital Signatures for Widgets
Call for exclusion started on 2010-04-16, opportunity until 2010-06-15
Call for exclusion started on 2009-11-19, opportunity until 2010-04-18
Call for exclusion started on 2009-11-18, opportunity until 2010-04-17
File API
Call for exclusion started on 2009-11-18, opportunity until 2010-04-17
Widgets 1.0: View Modes Media Feature
Call for exclusion started on 2009-10-06, opportunity until 2010-03-05
WebSimpleDB API
Call for exclusion started on 2009-09-29, opportunity until 2010-02-26
Server-Sent Events
Call for exclusion started on 2009-12-22, opportunity until 2010-02-20
Web Storage
Call for exclusion started on 2009-12-22, opportunity until 2010-02-20
Web Workers
Call for exclusion started on 2009-12-22, opportunity until 2010-02-20
Web Database
Call for exclusion started on 2009-09-10, opportunity until 2010-02-07
Widget Access Request Policy
Call for exclusion started on 2009-12-08, opportunity until 2010-02-06
Widgets 1.0: The widget Interface
Call for exclusion started on 2009-11-17, opportunity until 2010-01-16
Widgets 1.0: Packaging and Configuration
Call for exclusion started on 2009-10-29, opportunity until 2009-12-28
Widgets 1.0: Widget URIs
Call for exclusion started on 2009-10-08, opportunity until 2009-12-07
Widgets 1.0: URI Scheme
Call for exclusion started on 2009-06-18, opportunity until 2009-11-15
Widgets 1.0: APIs and Events
Call for exclusion started on 2009-08-18, opportunity until 2009-10-17
Server-Sent Events
Call for exclusion started on 2009-04-23, opportunity until 2009-09-20
The Web Sockets API
Call for exclusion started on 2009-04-23, opportunity until 2009-09-20
Web Storage
Call for exclusion started on 2009-04-23, opportunity until 2009-09-20
Web Workers
Call for exclusion started on 2009-04-23, opportunity until 2009-09-20
Widgets 1.0: Packaging and Configuration
Call for exclusion started on 2009-05-28, opportunity until 2009-07-27
Widgets 1.0: Digital Signatures
Call for exclusion started on 2009-04-30, opportunity until 2009-06-29
Widgets 1.0: Updates
Call for exclusion started on 2008-10-09, opportunity until 2009-03-08
Widgets 1.0: Packaging and Configuration
Call for exclusion started on 2008-12-22, opportunity until 2009-02-20
Selectors API
Call for exclusion started on 2008-11-15, opportunity until 2009-01-14
Widgets 1.0: Requirements
Call for exclusion started on 2008-09-19, opportunity until 2008-11-18
Widgets 1.0: Requirements
Call for exclusion started on 2008-06-25, opportunity until 2008-08-24

Additional Licensing Information

As described in section 5 of the W3C Patent Policy:

All Working Group participants are encouraged to provide a contact from which licensing information can be obtained and other relevant licensing information. Any such information will be made publicly available along with the patent disclosures for the Working Group in question.

Patent holders may:

  1. Provide additional licensing information for documents produced by this Working Group
  2. Provide the same additional licensing information for all documents with associated licensing obligations produced by this Working Group, or
  3. Provide additional licensing information for any W3C document with associated licensing obligations produced by any W3C Working Group under the W3C Patent Policy.

Such licensing information should be sent to the W3C Staff.

Please recall that, per section 5 of the W3C Patent Policy, a W3C Royalty-Free license:

may not impose any further conditions or restrictions on the use of any technology, intellectual property rights, or other restrictions on behavior of the licensee, but may include reasonable, customary terms relating to operation or maintenance of the license relationship such as the following: choice of law and dispute resolution.