
  • The Permissions and Obligations Expression Working Group was closed on 29 March 2018.

Permissions and Obligations Expression Working Group - Publications


- history
1 translation for ODRL Information Model 2.2

The ODRL permissions and obligations expression language provides a flexible and interoperable information model, vocabulary, and encoding mechanisms for describing statements about digital content usage. The ODRL Information Model describes the underlying concepts, entities, and relationships that form the foundational basis for the semantics of the ODRL statements .

- history
1 translation for ODRL Vocabulary & Expression 2.2

The ODRL permissions and obligations expression language provides a flexible and interoperable information model, vocabulary, and encoding mechanisms for describing statements about digital content usage. The ODRL Vocabulary and Expression describes the terms used in such statements and how to encode them.

Working Drafts

- history

This document includes a set of use cases and requirements, compiled by the Permissions & Obligations Expression (POE) working group, that motivate the expression of statements about digital content usage. All use cases provide realistic examples describing how people and organisations may (or want to be able to) specify statements about digital content usage. The requirements derived from these use cases will be used to guide the development of the POE WG recommendation deliverables for the Information Model, Vocabulary and Encodings.