
  • The Media Annotations Working Group was closed on 31 March 2014.

Media Annotations Working Group - Publications


- history
1 translation for Metadata API for Media Resources 1.0

This specification defines a client-side API to access metadata information related to media resources on the Web.

- history
1 translation for Ontology for Media Resources 1.0

This document defines the Ontology for Media Resources 1.0. The term "Ontology" is used in its broadest possible definition: a core vocabulary. The intent of this vocabulary is to bridge the different descriptions of media resources, and provide a core set of descriptive properties. This document defines a core set of metadata properties for media resources, along with their mappings to elements from a set of existing metadata formats. Besides that, the document presents a Semantic Web compatible implementation of the abstract ontology using RDF/OWL. The document is mostly targeted towards media resources available on the Web, as opposed to media resources that are only accessible in local repositories.

Working Drafts