
  • The Independent User Interface (Indie UI) Working Group was closed on 22 October 2015.

Independent User Interface (Indie UI) Working Group - Publications

Working Drafts

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An abstraction between device-specific user interaction events and inferred user intent such as scroll, activate, etc. This provides an intermediate layer between device- and modality-specific user interaction events, and the basic user interface functionality used by Web applications.

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Defines a set of preferences that users can choose to expose to web applications, and an API for user agents to access the preferences and listen for changes. Web applications can use this information to optimize the presentation without a requirement to target a specific device, operating system, or locale.

First Public Working Drafts

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Outlines the requirements that the IndieUI Working Group has set for development of IndieUI: Events 1.0 and IndieUI: User Context 1.0.