
  • The CC/PP Working Group was closed on 27 March 2003.

CC/PP Working Group - Publications

Notes anchor

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CC/PP Working Group

This document describes how existing vocabularies for different classes of devices and user agents can be used in CC/PP components, and how to create schemas that encapsulate existing vocabularies. It discusses the results of the coordination with the IETF CONNEG Working Group, as well as the WAP Forum UAPROF Working Group and several other groups, which have related activities. It contains a number of schemas and software examples which has been contributed voluntarily by individuals.

It also gives an example of heuristics, which can be used to adapt content to a CC/PP profile, thus giving some guidelines for those who want to use CC/PP to implement content adaptation. It also serves to provide vocabulary and schema designers with key guidelines regarding extensions to existing vocabularies or development of new ones.

Retired specifications anchor