
  • The Spatial Data on the Web Interest Group was closed on 20 October 2021.

Spatial Data on the Web Interest Group - Publications


- history

This note highlights some of the unique characteristics of spatial data within the broader realm of ethical use of data. A brief analysis of the relationship between law and ethics explains that responsible use is not mandatory. Nevertheless, both legal and ethical frameworks play an important role in shaping what can be considered “responsible”. As do the perspectives of those who interact closely with spatial data: the developers, the users and the regulators. Therefore this note not only provides an insight into the relevant legislation and ethics guidelines, but also considers the principles of ethical data sharing from each of these three perspectives. The principles are made practical by providing concrete communication guidelines and showing examples of good practice.

- history

OWL-Time is an ontology for temporal entities, with a particular focus on the description of relations between time intervals. However, there are certain relations between more general temporal entities (in particular, time instants) that cannot be expressed using the 15 interval relations defined in OWL-Time. This note adds four new relations: time:equals, time:hasInside, time:disjoint and time:notDisjoint which complement the original relations and allow for description of more relationships between temporal entities.

- history

OWL-Time is an ontology for temporal entities and relations between them. OWL-Time defines simple temporal entities (intervals and instants). This note adds one new class time:TemporalAggregate and two properties time:hasPart and its inverse time:isPartof to allow for the description of arbitrary aggregates of temporal entities.

Working Drafts

- history

The Semantic Sensor Network (SSN) ontology is an ontology for describing sensors and their observations, the involved procedures, the studied features of interest, the samples used to do so, and the observed properties, as well as actuators. This note describes some extensions to the SSN ontology to enable:

  1. linking to the ultimate feature-of-interest for an observation, act of sampling, or actuation, alongside the link to the (proximate) feature-of-interest, which might be a sample
  2. homogeneous collections of observations, in which one or more of the feature-of-interest, ultimate feature-of-interest, observed-property, procedure, sensor, phenomenon-time or result-time may be shared by all members of the collection