
  • The Digital Publishing Interest Group was closed on 29 September 2017.

Digital Publishing Interest Group - Publications


- history

This document introduces Portable Web Publications, a vision for the future of digital publishing that is based on a fully native representation of documents within the Open Web Platform. Portable Web Publications achieve full convergence between online and offline/portable document publishing: publishers and users won't need to choose one or the other, but can switch between them dynamically, at will.

- history

This document, “Digital Publishing and Accessibility in W3C Documents” describes how W3C guidelines (including but not limited to [WCAG20], [ATAG20], [UAAG20], and [WAI-ARIA]) and their principles, guidelines, and success criteria can be applied to the needs of Digital Publishing. It provides informative guidance, but does not set requirements.

- history

The Metadata Task Force of the Digital Publishing Interest Group conducted a series of interviews with representatives of various sectors and roles within the publishing ecosystem. This Note includes a write-up of those interviews, documents in detail the issues that were raised, and provides general conclusions on where the W3C can contribute to the general advancement of metadata usage in the Digital Publishing Domain.

- history

This document describes the set of use cases generated for Annotation and Social Reading within the W3C Digital Publishing Interest Group, in coordination with the Open Annotation Community Group.

Working Drafts

- history

This document describes requirements for pagination and layout of books in latin languages, based on the tradition of print book design and composition. It is hoped that these principles can inform the pagination of digital content as well, and serve as a reference for the CSS Working Group and other interested parties. This work was inspired by [JLREQ].

First Public Working Drafts

- history

This document documents CSS features needed by the digital publishing community, as determined by the W3C Digital Publishing Interest Group.