Community Group - Former Participants
Lu Ai
IBM Corporation

Owen Ambur
Individual CLA commitment

Regner Atillo
Individual CLA commitment
Rob Beal
Individual CLA commitment

Carly Bogen
Pearson plc
John Bolland
Olivedon Ltd
Kelsey Bouwer
Individual CLA commitment
Justin Boyan
Google LLC
Johann Brocail
Individual CLA commitment
Daniel Buchner
Block, Inc.

Tom Byers
Individual CLA commitment
Newton Calegari - Brazilian Network Information Center

Rich Carne
Met Office

Barry Carter
Individual CLA commitment
Thierry Cazalet
Apparaître, agence web héroïque

Tsang-Yao Chen
Individual CLA commitment
Thiago Christof
Individual CLA commitment

Roger Cook
Alain Couillault

Matt Crellin
Individual CLA commitment
Brad Davis
Pear Market
Bas de Haan
Praesent Webdesign
Daniel de Vries
Dutch Internet Marketing
David Deering
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Touch Point Digital Marketing Agency

Mitch DeFelice
Individual CLA commitment
Jean Delahousse
Holger Dieterich
Sozialhelden e.V.

Jason Douglas
Google LLC
DavidPaul Doyle
Individual CLA commitment
Tzahi Edri
Individual CLA commitment

Gian Luca Farina Perseu
21Style s.a.s.

Arcadii Fedyushin
Individual CLA commitment
Sergio Fernández
Apache Software Foundation

Bo Ferri
Individual CLA commitment

James Flacks
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Innox Trading
Kevin Friedman
New York Public Library

Emmy Fritz-Krockow
Individual CLA commitment

Rutger Geelen

Tim Godin
Individual CLA commitment

Moran Greenwald
Individual CLA commitment

Mj Han
University of Illinois
Zhipeng Han
Microsoft Corporation
Syed Muhammad Mahmudul Haque
Technext Limited
Richard Haussmann
Individual CLA commitment
Sascha Hendel

Rachel Hettinga
Spoke Studio

Robert Holt
Bocoup, LLC

Elwin Huaman
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Innsbruck

Andrew Iliadis
Temple University

Jacob Jett
University of Illinois
Eric Kauz
Thomas Kehoe
Individual CLA commitment
Sanjeev Khadilkar
Microsoft Corporation

Rudi Konar
Individual CLA commitment
Christian Kosmowski
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Rhenus Freight Network GmbH

Kai Kubasta

Kabul Kurniawan
Individual CLA commitment

David Kutcher
Individual CLA commitment

Iago Lastra Rodríguez
Individual CLA commitment

Ralph LeVan
OCLC (Online Computer Library Center, Inc.)

Lisa LeVasseur
Me2B Alliance
Lili Cunningham Lili Cunningham
Viacom inc.

Zahid Mahmood
Individual CLA commitment
Tom Marsh
Microsoft Corporation
Shane McCarron
Individual CLA commitment

Will McIntosh
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with City of Melbourne
Daniel Michaels
Full Throttle Parts
Peter Mika
Brent Miller
Kamila Mirashnichenka
Individual CLA commitment
Christian Mochow
Individual CLA commitment
Alex Moore-Niemi

Toni Mora Linares
Individual CLA commitment

Shankar Natarajan
Microsoft Corporation

Eder Nucci
Individual CLA commitment

Szabolcs Páll
Individual CLA commitment
Harshvardhan J. Pandit
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Dublin City University

Mustafa Patni
Damian Petrini
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Foundation Software
Sara Poorsattar
Individual CLA commitment
Tiffany Pullin
Zachary Reese
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Pennsylvania

Markus Renstrom
Apple Inc.

Mark Sadecki
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Chewy

Robert Sanderson
J. Paul Getty Trust

Maria Janina Sarol
University of Illinois

Piero Savastano
Individual CLA commitment

Doug Schepers

Jochen Schirrwagen
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with RWTH Aachen University

Dan Sheline
FitNow Inc.
Jordan Silton
CoStar Group
Madi Solomon
Pearson plc

Jason Sprouse
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Good Faith Paradigm

Justin Stekervetz
Department of Homeland Security
Ed Summers
University of Maryland, College Park

Marek Šurek
Datalan, a.s.
Ralph Tamlyn
Taxonomy and Classification Metadata Consulting LLC
Eric Theise
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute

Brian Tremblay
Individual CLA commitment
Young Truong
Individual CLA commitment
Frank van der Hoeven
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Delft University of Technology

Dimitri van Hees

Bhudev Vats
Microsoft Corporation
Akhilesh Vyas
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with L3S Research Center
Jerome Walker
Builder Designs
Paul Watson
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Atypon Systems, Inc.

Dylan Wenzlau
Graphiq Inc.
David White
Quark, Inc.
Zachary Whitley
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Praxis Engineering
Ian Williams
Individual CLA commitment

Dawn Withers
Individual CLA commitment
Reid Yoder
Texas State University
Ben Zeller
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Australian Government Department of Immigration and Border Protection
Krzysztof Tomasz Zembrowski
Individual CLA commitment

Roel Zylstra
Global Notion