W3C: a Use Case for Web Technologies


W3C: a Use Case for Web Technologies

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Coordinated Universal Time
Brisbane, Australia
Klaus Birkenbihl

W3C develops Web standards and technologies. W3C this is ~400 members, working on Technologies and Standards; 55 team members coordinating this work; 17 Offices acting as local points of contact. Team, members, and Offices are distributed over the world. The talk introduces to the work of W3C and presents its players, goals, the technologies and the way of working. The glue that keeps it together is: the Web. Communication, dissemination, presentation, documentation, archiving, work management ... there is nearly no aspect of work that is not heavily dependent on Web or Internet technologies. By avoiding applications that are based on proprietary technologies there is quite some flexibility in extending and combining applications. The talk introduces to technologies, and shows how technologies and work flows are interwoven and how W3C not only gains from using its own standards and technologies but also proves that they are are workable and feasible.